
How Does Custom Box Printing Help Promote Pharmaceutical Products?

Custom Box Printing

When you think about what sort of protection your medicines need, box printing comes into focus. It goes far above the basics of just putting the brand identity out there.

Why is it so?

Well, primarily, securing your products through informative packaging is going to save you ample time and effort in the long run. In this regard, the printing on the boxes becomes a lifeline for the products and the brand repute.

The nuances of the medicine markets

The global pharmaceutical revenues summed up to $1.27 trillion at the end of 2020. The industry has seen massive growth in the past 2 decades. Experts predict the sales to reach $633 billion by 2024 in North America alone.

This boom is majorly fostered by the current virus. Soon after the Covid-19 pandemic, medicine makers felt a surge in their sales and customer demands. Global customers created an unprecedented need for rapid deliveries and safer packaging was at the helm of these new challenges.

How could medicine makers ensure timely and secure shipment? Creative packaging printing is what has bailed out most brands in this matter.

What is custom printing and how does it present an opportunity to medicine sellers?

Custom printing is what we see on pharmaceutical boxes. It contains details ranging from simple brand title, logo, and product title to more complex facets such as the product details, handling info, and more.

Can you imagine receiving your delicate medical supplies in plain brown boxes without the usual instructions? We guess not! It would be impractical and impossible to send and receive sound shipments.

box printing

Of late, marketers have found new roles for custom printing. These are as follows:

  • Informing of the brand to new customers.
  • Promoting new products
  • Capturing an expanded customer base.
  • Nurturing a healthy customer-buyer relation through feedback
  • Maintaining interest in the brand

You would be amazed at just how creative printing can get to achieve the above and even more. If you are in doubt over its effectiveness, read further to know more.

The significant features of medicine packaging printing

There are more than a handful of things that you need to appreciate about custom printing on your medical supplies boxes.

For one, you need to be aware of the competition in your medicine markets to cut through it. Using the brand logo and name in unique styles on the box covers is a proven way to win over brand recognition. But this is not it. Several other factors also outline the effects on box printing. Here are some prominent ones:

#1: Better clarity

All the digital and print ads can only familiarize customers with your business. It is actually the packaging that takes things forward. Looking at the boxes at all customer hot spots time and over, buyers would be well-versed with the brand identity.

Custom font selection, color coordinates, and styles make for a better brand viewing. Customers appreciate clear and thoughtful printing on the boxes they get with their medicine purchases. They link the box appeal with the brand values. And having clarity on the packaging strongly communicates valuable brand vibes.

#2: Instant results

Experts indicate that branding done on the boxes generates more rapid results than digital ads. Customers often get online orders right on their doorsteps or get tangible retailing. So, the boxes offer a deeper glimpse into the brand and a direct link with buyers.

Customers getting personalized messages, vibrant box designs, and custom box opening formats get encouraged to order again. This way, the brand gets robust customer loyalty through its packaging and printed content.

#3: Build the brand image

With such intense rivalry in the medicine markets, how can you prudently stand apart? Custom printing presents a chance to carve a unique brand identity that customers will be quick to notice.

Ever wondered how the major pharmaceutical brands like Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson’s have been around for this long? It is their distinct company image that reminds customers of the businesses and helps them spot the brands from far.

Choosing individual designs, patterns, color combos, and graphics become more practical with modern printing techniques that don’t fade away quickly. So even if the shipment travels long miles, the boxes would keep emitting fresh and crisp branding.

#4: Social media friendly

Did you know that about 65% of customers prefer brands that project a responsible attitude? Many businesses have started a trend of prompting conversations on their social media platforms to facilitate brand awareness.

But how do customers know of your online portals? Simple; through the addresses mentioned on the medicine boxes! Pro box manufacturers prudently place every significant branding element at the right box spot for customers to see and feel encouraged to know more about.

#5: Reduce wastages

One little-known fact about custom printing is that it reduces wastages in terms of logistic accidents and excessive marketing.

Firstly, the printing helps to put apt handling and storage instructions on the boxes. People involved in logistics can read these and care for the packaging accordingly. Reduced shipping accidents lower overall refunds and replacement expenses.

The other factor is the marketing aspect. Businesses, worldwide, spend considerable amounts on brand promotions. When the boxes effectively step in for most billboard ads, the total marketing costs come down.

What are the other benefits?

On top of the innovative custom printing uses, numerous other features also play an important role in culminating an unmissable brand aura.

  • Reduced packaging hassles

Today, all printing designs are sketched on soft copies. It eradicates errors and loss of resources as a result. Imagine one spelling mistake or unclear graphics wasting the whole of the box lot! The results would be devastating for the time and money involved.

  • Better branding

With custom box printing, your brand can conveniently add in any desired branding component. Things like embossed texts, die-cutting, window cutouts, and more options are available.


Distinct and exquisitely printed medicine boxes have changed branding for pharmaceutical companies like never before!

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