
Hand lettering with pens from STABILO, PILOT, and edding


The need or desire to send greetings to someone on a particular occasion is almost as old as humanity itself. In the meantime, long range baby monitor this has developed into an entire branch of industry that aims to print greeting cards with beautiful sayings. For some time now, however, the trend has also established itself to design such greeting cards themselves and, above all, to place the actual wish itself on such a card. This is called hand lettering.

Practice makes the hand lettering master

If you would like to design your own greeting cards, you can acquire the necessary knowledge on the subject of font design either with the help of the numerous available literature or by participating in a creative workshop (e.B. on the subject of calligraphy). Beautiful writing, which was taught in elementary school in earlier times, has almost been forgotten in the age of the computer or mobile phone keyboard. Many people can hardly write cleanly or even visually appealing by hand. In this respect, it can be useful to polish up your knowledge with a course and to learn again how to handle a pen or fountain pen. In any case, the trend towards hand lettering shows that handwritten texts are becoming fashionable again.

Hand lettering – The art of writing

To label a greeting card with a beautiful saying appropriate to the occasion is basically not very difficult. In order to bring this saying visually appealing on the map, you need in addition to a beautiful card with a corresponding amount of space also the right pens.

Hand lettering is basically about drawing the individual letters as artfully as possible and then coloring them. In German, hand lettering is also often referred to as beautiful writing, letter art or letter art. The concrete design of the font is left to the creativity of the writer, there are no fixed specifications. If you are not yet familiar with hand lettering, you have the opportunity to use a so-called hand lettering guide by giving valuable tips, such as:

  • Faux Calligraphy (false or fake calligraphy)
  • Bounce Lettering (jumping letters through varied baselines)
  • Ornaments, flourishes (templates for decorations)
  • White on black hand lettering
  • Pen Selection

Important for hand lettering is the use of the appropriate pens. Companies such as STABILO, PILOT, or edding now have a large number of models in their range with which the most diverse forms of hand lettering can be perfectly achieved.

Hand lettering with felt-tip pens from STABILO

STABILO is one of the best-known brands when it comes to pens. The FELT-tip pens STABILO point-max or STABILO Pen 68 Brush, which are available in packages of different sizes, either as plain pens in black or ultramarine blue or as a mixed pen range with 4, 8, 12, or 15 different colors, are particularly suitable for hand lettering. The nylon tip is particularly suitable for hand lettering, as it ensures an expressive font.

PILOT – Specialist for hand lettering pens

One brand that specializes in the development of pens for hand lettering is PILOT. The pens available there can be used for the different variants of hand lettering. The following pens are available at PILOT, for example. B:

PINTOR creative marker (with extra-fine or medium-strength line thickness, e.B. for 3D font))

PINTOR creative marker (with extra-wide line thickness, suitable for the backdrop technique using foil)

FriXion Feinliner (is suitable for tracing pencil templates)

Parallel pen (its wide tip makes the stroke of the individual letters different widths, resulting in a beautiful look)

The pens available at PILOT are available in different colors so that you can make the hand lettering multicolored.

edding – gloss lacquer pencils for hand lettering

A veteran of the pencil industry is edding, almost everyone knows the famous markers in luminous colors, with which important text passages can be highlighted. But edding offers much more, for example, the glossy lacquer pens edding 750CR, which are very well suited for hand lettering. Above all, best swing frame their golden or silver color makes it possible to visually enhance a text created with hand lettering on a greeting card. Since they are waterproof, they also hold on a can, a flower vase, or a carrier bag. The materials on which the edding 750CR holds are glass, metal, plastic, and paper. The tip of the pins has a line thickness of 2 to 4 mm.

The edding 750 paint marker in white is particularly suitable for a dark background. Equally opaque, waterproof, and with a line thickness of 2 to 4 mm, the pen is versatile.

Find the right pen

Hand lettering is available in very different variants, so there is no one perfect pen for this creative work. If you want to deal with lettering, you are therefore well advised to simply experiment with which pens from STABILO, PILOT or edding are best suited to the different requirements. Perhaps there are also pens from other brands such as Faber-Castell, Tombow, or Artline. Ultimately, it depends on your own taste and that is decisive.

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