
The Most Important Call Tracking Metrics You Need to Monitor

The Most Important Call Tracking Metrics You Need to Monitor

If you want to ensure that your call-tracking software helps you get the most out of your phone calls, it’s essential that you know what it’s capable of and how to optimize it. That way, you can make sure you have accurate reporting, high conversions from call to lead, and an effective way to manage your sales team and keep them accountable. Here are the most important call-tracking metrics you need to monitor on a daily basis.

Average Handle Time

Your average handle time is the amount of time your agents spend on each call. For example, if an agent spends six minutes on a call, the average handle time is six minutes. Agents with higher average handle times are costing you more money than those with lower ones. In order to keep your costs down, make sure your agents are spending no more than five minutes per call. If your agents have high average handle times, it may be because they’re not following best practices for dealing with calls. Follow these eight guidelines and then watch as their numbers improve!

1) Help your customers find the answers they need before asking them any questions.
2) Use active listening skills and avoid interrupting customers when possible.
3) Stay professional at all times – this will help build trust with your customer.
4) Don’t put pressure on customers by pushing them to buy anything.
5) When you do want the customer to take action, use subtle language that doesn’t give the impression that you want them to buy something right now.
6) Put yourself in your customers’ shoes and ask yourself how you would feel if someone were pressuring you into buying something right now or giving up what they wanted so quickly after just making contact with you. The last thing you want is for customers to feel like they can’t wait to get off the phone with your company. 

7) When you do want the customer to take action, use subtle language that doesn’t give the impression that you want them to buy something right now. 

8) Put yourself in your customers’ shoes and ask yourself how you would feel if someone were pressuring you into buying something right now or giving up what they wanted so quickly after just making contact with you. The last thing you want is for customers to feel like they can’t wait to get off the phone with your company.

First Call Resolution Rate

As a call tracking tool, it’s important for your company to be able to measure the First Call Resolution Rate for each call that comes in. The first call resolution rate is calculated as follows: 

 (Number of calls with first contact resolution) / Number of calls received by phone number or extension = %. For example, if you receive 10 calls and 7 are resolved on the first call, then the first call resolution rate would be 70%. If you want more information about how we can help increase your first call resolution rates check out our blog post here!

Sign up for a free trial now! Your call-tracking software will provide detailed reporting so you know exactly what’s working and what isn’t. With this knowledge, you’ll be better equipped to take action accordingly. Get started today to see how call-tracking software can improve your business communication! We offer FREE trials for all users and have 24/7 support available.

Customer Satisfaction Score

A customer satisfaction score is a metric that’s based on customer feedback. It’s typically calculated by asking the customers how likely they are to recommend your business. This will range from 0-10, with 10 being the most likely they will recommend you and 0 being not at all likely. A score of 4 or below can be concerning, but it may not always represent a problem. Perhaps their experience was just unsatisfactory enough for them to voice their opinion, which would have never been known otherwise.

With call-tracking software in place, you’ll know when there are spikes in negative sentiment as well as what caused them so you can quickly address any issues that arise. A positive trend in this metric can reflect good reviews and word-of-mouth marketing efforts, so monitor these metrics closely! Repeat Customers: A sign that your company is performing well is repeat customers. If someone has made several purchases from you, chances are they’re happy with their previous purchases.

Net Promoter Score

A Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a measurement of how likely a customer would recommend your company or product. The score is calculated by asking one question: How likely are you to recommend our company/product/service? Respondents answer on a scale from 0-10, with 10 being very likely. A score of 9 or 10 means that the respondent is categorized as a promoter, and a score of 7 or 8 means the respondent is categorized as a passive supporter. A 6 or below indicates an unfavorable response and is considered a detractor. 

A high NPS for your company can have significant implications for attracting new customers in comparison to other companies in the industry. In fact, it’s been shown that companies with higher NPSs than their competitors can grow at triple the rate of those competitors when combined with other marketing efforts. With that said, it’s important to track not just what percentage of customers would recommend but also which ones they are recommending!

Conversion Rate

Every business is different, so the metrics that you need to track will vary. One of the metrics that is often overlooked, but can be very important for your business, is your conversion rate. Your conversion rate tells you how many people who saw your ad clicked on it and then went on to purchase a product or service from you. If you are selling products online, this could be the number of people who clicked on an advertisement and then purchased something from your website. It might not seem like call-tracking software would have anything to do with your conversion rate, but it does. By monitoring what people say when they call in about their experience with you (e.g., did they feel that they were helped?), you can identify trends in your customer service and make changes accordingly to improve things for future customers.

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