
Successful Businessman and Coach Toto Steubesand Tackles Difficulties to Rise to the Occasion

Thorsten Steubesand, aka Toto Steubesand, was raised by his devoted parents in Germany. He started an industrial laundry business with his family after graduating from high school. As a result of his experience and the knowledge he gained during that time, he decided to further his education and obtain a Bachelor of Science in textile cleaning. He was employed by his father’s business up until the turn of the 20th century. Toto Steubesand, who was used to working hard, decided to enlist in the German Armed Forces in 1995 and joined the Navy. After earning his stripes and serving his country for eight to nine years, he joined the Navy, where he worked in a variety of roles on ships and boats.

He held these positions before deciding to focus on ACINT (acoustic intelligence), which led him to work in HUMINT (human intelligence). Toto Steubesand put in a lot of training time at work and worked his way up to become a field HUMINT leader and then a tactical HUMINT leader within the global Special Forces community. He was promoted to the position of Anti-Terrorism/Anti-Piracy Class for Staff Officers in Pensacola, Florida, in 2012 due to his dedication and diligence (NITC Netsafa intern. Trainings center). More than 15 times during his military career, he was deployed to distant places on land and at sea, such as Lebanon, Afghanistan, Europe, and Africa. He left the Navy later that year after dedicating a large portion of his life to serving his country, and like many of his fellow soldiers, he now experiences PTSD as a result of his most recent deployment.

Toto Steubesand was a warrior who excelled in both physical and mental combat. In 2013, he managed and was named CEO of ZST Security Service Consulting and Technology GmbH in Bordesholm (near Kiel), northern Germany. He persisted in the face of difficulty. He was made an executive partner of the business seven years later. With the founding of ZST, he and his partners established the International Academy for Security (IAS), where he trained their personal security team in the use of firearms and rifles for high-risk close protection assignments. This team consisted of about 100 students per month. His businesses are classified as PMSCs (private military security companies) because they are experts in preventing piracy on commercial vessels. The German Task Force of Marine Security approached Toto, and he agreed to become the BDSW’s chairman.

He established AbwehrKraft, his own martial arts academy, in Kiel in 2016. He now teaches close combat and weapon use to everyone from common citizens to police officers, other officials, and military personnel all over the world. He was mentioned in the “Celebrity Hunted Germany” AMAZON PRIME GERMANY series in 2021. The coronavirus has currently stopped production, but it is expected to resume in 2023. His impact as a speaker, military security expert, trainer, and coach is now in high demand.

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