
Learn Quran With Tajweed In The Easiest Possible Way

For Muslims, learning the Quran in Tajweed is one of the most important aspects of their faith. If you want to get the most out of reading the Quran, you need to immerse yourself in its words. Muhammad (SAW), the Prophet of Islam, is revered for his ability to recite the holy Quran. That’s when Tajweed comes into play. It’s perfectly acceptable to recite the Quran in any language or dialect you prefer, because people from different regions speak different languages and dialects. When learning the Quran with Tajweed, you follow the rules exactly as they are. In time, you perfect your pronunciation of each letter and word, and your accent develops. The new trend of learning the Quran online has made it possible for children to learn the Quran from the comfort of their own homes. You can teach your child the religion at home without taking him or her to a mosque, and you can save money by not purchasing a physical copy of the book. You can now give your child the Quran you’ve always wanted thanks to the online.

Learn Quran for kids in USA and Canada

For children to learn Quran for kids online, they do not have to follow along with pre-recorded lessons. One positive aspect is that your kid will have live, in-person instruction for all subjects. The choice between a Qari and a Qaria is entirely up to you. You can select a Qaria if you prefer a female teacher, or the other way around. These instructors give your child the guidance he or she needs; they not only teach him or her how to read the Quran, but they also instil in them important Islamic values. To be a good Muslim, they need to adhere to these morals. It can be difficult for a child to learn with Quran Classes with Tajweed if only theoretical notes are available. As a result, live teachers are extremely important. In order to recite Quran like Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), they can show your child how to pronounce certain Arabic letters. It’s very affordable for kids to learn the Quran online. As a reward for their selfless service, most of the teachers only want to make as much money as they absolutely need to cover their basic living expenses.

Online Quran Teachers and Tutors in USA and UK

If they so desire, children learning Quran can begin their studies with Tajweed as well. There are no age, gender, or ethnicity restrictions on practising Islam. A free trial of an online course is available before you make a purchase. For a limited time, many tutoring services will let you try them out before you commit to hiring them. There are a wide range of options available. Some packages are meant to accommodate the entire family. So, if you want your children to learn the Quran with tajweed, you can choose an online quran teacher for kids, such as Skype, that offers the service.

 You don’t have to be concerned about your children learning the Quran if you don’t live in an Islamic country because there are now Islamic online institutes available that teach the Quran all over the world using as a source. On the internet, you can teach your children to read the Quran with Tajweed.

Here we are sharing some useful tip for Quran Learning for Kids:

Tip # 1: Share the Quran’s ‘Amazing Stories’

A number of heartwarming stories can be found in the Holy Quran, which was revealed to humanity by Allah Subhana hu Wata’la. These tales not only enlighten and inspire us, but they also teach us a valuable lesson or two.

As a result, telling stories from the Quran will pique the interest of children. Because of this, they will be able to see the Quran in their minds’ eye. Ultimately, this will foster feelings of affection and belonging in their hearts.

Tip #2: Teach Children to Recite the Quran

Listening to the recitation of the Holy Quran with a profound and focused heart has a positive effect on the individual. Listening to the Quran as a child is a great way to get them started on their educational journey.

Parents, unfortunately, are not reciting the Quran to their children. It’s not uncommon for parents to recite, but they often don’t pay attention to the correct pronunciations, Tajweed rules, and “Makhrij.” As a result, the emotional impact of a recitation will be diminished if it is performed mechanically.

Pregnant women should recite verses from the Koran. The sounds around you can be heard by your baby as early as 18 weeks of age.

Expose your children to as much recitation of the Quran as possible until they are seven.

Tell them to keep quiet during the recitation of the Quran. As a result, they will be better able to retain the meaning of the verses because of their clean and sinless minds.

Children learn from their parents, so encourage them to recite the Koran.

Tip # 3: Combine Listening with Reading Text.

Make your child pick up the Mashif willingly and attempt to read the script that was previously unreadable for him/her. It’s not a good idea to compel them to sit still, open the Holy Book, and begin reading Arabic words they’ve never seen before.

Let’s take a look back at how Muslims used to do things. They listened to it, memorised it, and recited it in their prayers. A long time later, Mashif-e-Uthmani was compiled and the Holy Quran’s reading began.

Reading (Tajweed rules must not be disregarded.)

It’s time to put pen to paper (Ask children to practise writing words in the air with hands)

Your children will fall in love with the words of Allah subhana hu wata’la after hearing and repeating them for many years. As a result, they will eventually listen to the Mashif to which they have been listening for so long. In-Sha-Allah. However, be sure to stick to the plan outlined above.

Tip #4: Assist Them In Comprehending The Verses They Read.

Listen to the Holy Quran on a regular basis and teach your children the context and meaning of related verses. As if on his own authority, Allah Subhan hu Wata’la calls on the faithful to meditate on the words of the Qur’an.

Even so, only tell the kids enough to pique their interest. Their interest will wane if you use long, convoluted words and phrases. It’s also important how something is delivered. Consider your tone and posture, as well as your age-appropriate content when you speak.

Tip # 5: Boost Their Confidence

The “Tarbiyah” of your children, according to Islamic teachings, should be defended politely and firmly. Motivating the child in various ways, such as awarding the child, encouraging the child politely, and being actively involved yourself are all part of this plan.

So, here are a few helpful tip:

Create a learning and sharing environment. Show your child that you value and enjoy learning too much to let them forget it.

Put your child in charge of this important educational journey.

Your child’s weak points will benefit from your attention, but you should avoid exhausting him or her.

Recognize and honour his achievements.

Allow them to correct any recitation errors you may have made.

Persuade them to tell you about the things they’ve discovered.

Tip #6: Make Things Simple for Them.

Those who want to learn Quran, understand, and memorise the Holy Quran will find it much simpler to do so.

Who are we to make it difficult when Allah Subhana hu Wata’la has made it easy? As a result, parents should refrain from making their children sit still and read the Bible for long periods of time. In the case of young children, about 15 to 20 minutes should be sufficient. Is this a difficult concept for you to grasp?

A young child’s attention span is obviously much shorter. This means that they are incapable of sustained concentration. As a result, if we make them read, they will do so reluctantly and grow resentful of the spritual journey. I hope this is clear now.

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