Step to Delete Criminal Record Pakistan:
 If you wish to know step to delete criminal record Pakistan through criminal lawyers in Pakistan, you may contact us. When an investigation is not completed, the officer in charge at the Police Station will forthwith send an inquiry to the Magistrate in accordance with the section. of 157, which explains the reason for not conducting an investigation and delete criminal record Pakistan through criminal lawyers in Pakistan.
Officer Details:
The officer will inform the informant by giving details that there is not an investigation being conducted, and if the informant is at the Police Station, will have him/her sign or take thumb impressions to the FIR. 4. Initiating an Investigation Following the registration of an FIR Recognizable Cases * In instances that are cognizable, the police is authorized to begin an investigation pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 156 CrPC after an FIR has been filed. If an FIR is registered. PLD 1975 Lahore 733 2 PLD 1988 Lahore 741 4 * Police officer will immediately submit an FIR Report to the Magistrate in accordance with the section. 157 CrPC and will either go on the spot personally or assign an officer in a subordinate position on the scene to inquire into the facts and the circumstances to delete criminal record Pakistan through criminal lawyers in Pakistan. The officer in charge of conducting an investigation will always keep an account of the case under section. 172 CrPC on the form 25.54(1) from the Police Rules, noting all actions that are taken in connection with the investigation.
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Procedure for Non-Cognizable Cases to delete criminal record Pakistan through criminal lawyers in Pakistan If the officer in charge of the Police Station determines that the information received by him/her is related to the commission of a non-cognizable offense, The officer must record the details into the Daily Dairy maintained by the Police Station under Sec. 155 CrPC Then, the officer will transmit the petition to the Magistrate, as in the provisions of. 155 CrPC The Magistrate can authorize the police to investigate pursuant to section.
Magistrate to start an investigation:
155 CrPC When the police are granted permission by a Magistrate to start an investigation in a not-cognizable situation, they are granted the same investigative powers that they have for cognizable offenses (except for arrest, a warrant for arrest is required by Magistrate) to delete criminal record Pakistan through criminal lawyers in Pakistan. 2. Investigating the crime scene 6. Crime Scene * The IO arriving at the Crime Scene will be handed the crime scene by the police officer who is the first responder who is the case and informed of the current incident by the officer who is in charge, as well as the steps that have been taken to safeguard the scene of the crime, and will also share any documents related to the incident. The Crime Scene the IO will conduct an initial assessment and follow Crime Scene Management protocols involving: SS Assessing the situation, SS Establishing a perimeter to delete criminal record Pakistan through criminal lawyers in Pakistan (inner layer and outer layer, as well as a Traffic Management Layer), SS Making arrests if required, SS Arranging for medical treatment of the victims and/or evacuation of the victims