
How to Party Hard In 2022

Those of legal drinking age can discern a good party from a bad one: you must have had a great time if you passed out and couldn’t remember most of the evening. However, remember that a party animal is no fun if they pass out or endanger others; instead, they must know how to maintain control while still having a good time.  

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Below are tips to party hard while keeping safe. 

Have a few shots of Blanton’s whiskey before leaving  

You don’t want to be intoxicated when you arrive, but you also don’t feel rushed. So, for your pre-game, you can take shots of whiskey; and when it comes to the best American whiskeys, bourbon takes the cake. Nobody makes bourbon better than Blanton’s. Blanton’s whiskey is exactly what bourbon should be. It isn’t easy to discover a more pure representation of the spirit than theirs. Also, you can always get the whisky by clicking; Blanton’s whiskey; significantly, make sure you have a designated driver.  

Eat an hour before the party 

Except for when you’re attending a dinner party, odds are you won’t get much food at the party. Eat a healthy supper before the party to ensure enough energy and food in your stomach. Going to a party without first eating is inconvenient, and drinking on an empty stomach can be dangerous as the body might not have enough strength to fight the liquor. Have a good meal an hour before going so you don’t feel ill or look for food when you’re in party mode. 

Know your limits 

I know you want to have a good time, but puking your guts into a bush isn’t making you look like a badass. Or while you’re in bed the next day, drinking Gatorade and hoping to die. Nobody will think any worse of you if you decline the next drink. Parties are an excellent way to meet people and let off some steam, but it’s also crucial to look after yourself and keep safe. Be wise and nice, and you’ll live to celebrate another day. 

woman sitting near people while drinking

Have an exit strategy 

Before you even get to the party, be sure you know how you’ll get home. Don’t drive while intoxicated; instead, get a designated driver or call a Lyft. Also, walking through the dark streets is particularly dangerous and incredibly drunk. 

Dress up in a costume or extravagant 

A costume, prop, or killer outfit is the best way for party animals to advertise their presence when they enter the room. The dress will differ based on the occasion, but the essential thing to remember is that you want to look confident in it. Furthermore, a party animal dresses up because they want to, not because they care what others think. 

Don’t mix substances without knowing how they react 

Mixing chemicals might have unexpected consequences. You can go from drunk to blackout in seconds, putting you in dangerous situations if you aren’t with pals. Mixing stimulants like cocaine with alcohol puts your cardiovascular system under severe strain.  

Arrive late 

A party animal requires a place to party. It will be challenging to build momentum if you’re the first to arrive, so keep your calm and come fashionably late. If it’s a small gathering or party, 15-20 minutes should be enough, but if it’s a large celebration, aim to come at least an hour after the festivities begin. 

Understand consent 

Intoxicated people cannot give informed, passionate consent because alcohol significantly impairs judgment. Even if you think things are going as expected, don’t do anything until your interest is sober. Additionally, if there are any confusing messages, halt what you’re doing, especially at a party. 

Always use the buddy system 

Partying with pals is more enjoyable and safer. Choose one of your buddies to be your party buddy to keep an eye on you. If a spooky person is deafening you, call on a party buddy for assistance. Have you been a little too wasted? Your party pal can assist you in safely returning home. 

Pour out drinks slowly 

Forcing someone to take five shots in an hour is risky and can result in a sloppy, unpleasant feeling. Instead, begin slowly and allow folks to reach their comfortable degree of intoxication. A good party is one where everyone is relaxed enough to let their inhibitions go and have a wonderful time. 

Throw yourself entirely into the party atmosphere 

Own the theme and give it. You’re all on the dance floor. You, too, should be willing to venture outside of your comfort zone and live in the moment. A party animal knows how to shake things up and is prepared to be a little goofy. However, it is important to pause from time to time to make sure you’re not hurting or endangering anyone. 


Parties are a terrific way to interact and meet new people and let off some steam, but it’s also crucial to look after yourself and keep safe. 

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