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Hiring Hot Water Extraction Service For Carpet Cleaning?

Carpet Cleaning

Hot water extraction carpet cleaning is usually called steam carpet cleaning. However, these two are different methods that are used for different purposes. This blog gives an overview of some factors about hot water extraction which you need to know. 

1. Hot water extraction carpet cleaning is different from steam cleaning-

You might have heard many people using “hot water extraction” synonymously with “steam cleaning.” However, the two processes are quite different. In steam cleaning, carpets are cleaned with steam, while in hot water extraction, they are cleansed by introducing hot water to your carpet. 

2. Process of hot water extraction-

Hot water extraction is a much more effective and commonly used carpet cleaning method in which your carpet is cleaned by using high-pressure tools, a mixture of cleaning agents and hot water on your carpet. This process works by loosening the dirt, grime, debris and soil which can lurk in your carpets. A high-powered vacuum cleaner is used by experts which cleans the carpets and also removes the trapped dirt particles in your carpet.  

3. DIY methods cannot give the results which are given by hot water extraction-

Renting a hot water extraction machine for cleaning your carpet might look like an affordable method, but does not give the same results. Hence, it is recommended to hire a professional carpet cleaning firm for undertaking professional hot water extraction. 

4. Professional equipment gives better results-

Professional cleaners are armed with modern and state-of-art equipment which is much powerful in delivering expected results. When it comes to the high-powered system, they are capable of penetrating the cleaning solutions in a much better way. Deep penetration of cleaning agents in carpet fibres can be helpful for better stain removal. 

5. Call the professionals immediately after spotting stains-

Many carpet owners do not call carpet cleaning experts till their carpets get dirty, stained and worn out. This delay can make stains stronger and they might become much more difficult to remove. So, to clean your carpet effectively, it is helpful to not wait for a long time and call the professionals immediately. Also, many carpet owners only clean their carpets if they are hosting an event, wedding or party. However, you should make carpet cleaning a habit and hire professionals regularly for optimum results. 

At Emergency Flood Restoration Adelaide, our experts use amazing cleaning agents and advanced technology for cleaning your carpet with a hot water extraction method.  You can connect with our experts to schedule an appointment for your carpet cleaning.

Here are a few things which you need to be careful about carpet cleaning and water extraction

Soaking of carpet or upholstery-Soaking your carpets or upholstery during clean up can lead to several problems and can wreck the carpet forever. So, make sure that if are cleaning the carpet yourself, then do not keep the carpet soaking for a long time. 

However, if you appoint experts, then they will use the best ways of getting your carpet back in its shape.  

· Carpet shrinking and rippling-

Soaking carpets for a lot of time in water or cleaning agents can be harmful to your carpet as the fibers might ripple and get damaged. Although shrinkage is not noticed immediately, still after some time you might notice that your carpet is pulling away from the edge and is getting damaged

· Formation of mould, mildew and mites-

If a problem escalates, the carpet which is soaked might also get vulnerable to mould growth and mildew formation. You might notice some darker areas and spots on the carpet and they gradually start turning black. Mould formation on your carpet is highly dangerous, as the mould spores get released into the air easily and can pose severe health problems to your family and pets. 

· Carpet browning-

Carpet browning takes place if carpets are left soaking for a long time. It leads to the formation of a brown surface on your carpet and destroys the sheen of your carpet. 


So, here are some reasons which tell you why appointing professionals for water damage restoration and carpet cleaning by use of hot water extraction method is the best alternative. 

If you are looking for a reliable, efficient and punctual firm to complete this job, then Emergency Flood Restoration Adelaide is here for your help. Our staff is friendly, punctual and much reliable. They will clean your carpet in the given time and ensure guaranteed results. Also, our cleaning solutions are eco-friendly and do not harm your family, pets or surroundings. So, connect with us right away and hire our hot water extraction services now. 

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