
Everything You Need To Know About CRP Blood Test

Everything You Need To Know About CRP Blood Test

Maintaining blood health is an essential step to lead a life of contentment. There are several blood clot diseases that lead to worse health conditions. Therefore, a CRP blood test is suggested by the doctors to get a complete update on your blood health.

Before proceeding further with the CRP test, let’s head towards knowing the types of blood clot disorders:

Various Types Of Blood Clot Disorders

Blood clot disorders hamper the ability of the body to form red blood cells. Little clotting leads to abnormal bleeding or hemorrhage and on the other hand, too much clotting leads to thrombosis.

Do you know why blood clots occur in the body?

Blood clots take place when the body is not able to produce a sufficient amount of protein that is required to stop bleeding.  In that case, you need a CRP test to know the reason behind your worsening blood health issues.

This write-up takes you through the purpose of the test. Let’s check out:

Need of Going For CRP Test

The main purpose of the C- Reactive Protein test is to get the status of your blood health and the reason behind any dysfunctionality. The test tells about any occurrence of inflammation and its level, whether it is acute, mild, or extreme with severe allergic reactions. Besides detecting the type of blood health, the test also gives an update about the following health conditions too:

  • Asthma
  • Viral and Bacterial infection
  • Arthritis and lupus
  • Cancer
  • Heart Disease or stroke
  • Diabetes 
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Pneumonia 
  • IBD or Inflammatory bowel Disease

Getting Ready For The Test

There are certain things that one needs to keep in mind before going for a CRP test. First of all, avoid wearing tight clothes. It is difficult to roll. Next, you don’t need to fast before going for the C-Reactive Protein blood test.

An elastic rubber band is tied around the skin which makes the veins visible and then the needle is inserted to collect the blood sample. This is how the blood sample is collected and sent for the detection of any blood clot disorder.

Let’s take a look at the symptoms of blood clots and how you can prevent or reduce its effect.

Blood Clot Symptoms:

The blood clot symptoms are as follows: 

  • Swelling of hands and legs
  • Redness of skin
  • Bone pain

The moment you face such symptoms or blood clots, the first thing that needs to be done is to go for a CRP test in Bangalore from a renowned diagnostic lab, Redcliffe Labs. The doctors and the whole team render the best possible health care service to attain patients’ contentment.

Tips to Prevent Blood Clots

After knowing the symptoms, it is important to know about the tips to prevent blood clots: 

  • Exercise regularly
  • Wear loose socks and clothes 
  • Consume less salt
  • Take prescribed medicines
  • Visit your doctor on regular basis to get an update on your health

Follow the advice of the doctor to prevent any other blood health conditions like anemia, Leukocytosis, Thalassemia, Sickle cell disease, Polycythemia Vera, and Hemophilia.

Final Thoughts

Always remember, a little progress each day means adding up to bigger results. Start taking care of your health from now on as health is the biggest wealth. Moreover, it is a blessing to mankind.

Why allow blood disease to take a toll on the overall functionality of the body? Do connect with the topmost diagnostic centre, Redcliffe Labs for the best health packages at an affordable cost. Moreover, the doctor offers free consultation and a free home sample collection to the patient. Contact us today for more information.

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