
DeskFlex – Office Hotelling Software

Office Hotelling Software

DeskFlex, Inc., established in Illinois, currently holds and licenses DeskFlex software. Our flexible and innovative software can be used for scheduling conference rooms that get rooms, desks, and parking spaces. The software features various reservation settings, including desk scheduling, room scheduling, shared workspaces, parking management, and other equipment booked. DeskFlex is the perfect tool to measure other reservation systems that utilize phone apps. 

We consistently deliver quality hotel management system software to the independent and specialized hotel market. We are the primary provider of office management systems to small lodging service providers.

Services Available at DeskFlex 

Return to the workplace with desk reservation software and booking services to manage to distance and assist with contact tracing. Online space reservation systems let your employees check to see whether space is available, make reservations, modify canceled reservations, and schedule meetings. Built-in customization options allow you the right to choose your personal preferences.

Room Scheduling

Making room reservations lets you set up, check, or cancel calendar reservations for workspaces or conference rooms. The intuitive user interface of DeskFlex makes it an effective method for reducing operational costs.

Point & Click Floor Maps

The DeskFlex hoteling and planning system is designed to help businesses operate more cleanly and flexibly with minimum office downtime.

Workstation Touchscreen

The DeskFlex touchscreen was specifically designed for industrial or scientific research and development applications and intended to be used as a singular unit by a single person at a time.

MS Outlook/MS Exchange Integration

DeskFlex integrates Outlook calendaring so you can make appointments and schedule reservations in one place. DeskFlex also integrates seamlessly with MS Exchange Integration.


Flexcubes display the real-time availability of workstations. Flexcubes are helpful in the transformation of traditional offices into hotel environments.

Room Display Touchscreen

Easy booking for your room options is available with the RoomFlex Room Display Touchscreen. It can help you manage your classrooms, conference rooms, teaching spaces, and operating rooms.

User-Friendly Software

Even without programming knowledge, DeskFlex software lets you manage your company, calculate earnings and resolve customer issues quickly. Deskflex’s users love the instant technical support provided by the program and the straightforward plug-and-play configuration.

Customized Software

Our company’s ability to customize office hoteling software is one of our strengths. We have developed and implemented software for your particular hoteling and schedule needs in conference rooms, workspaces, filing cabinets, pubic areas, and business processes.

This lets you build up a streamlined, effective business venture. We’re experts in developing customized software solutions for many companies. We can examine your present business model and design a software system for your business needs.


DeskFlex is an excellent tool for any organization looking to optimize their office hotelling processes. It offers intuitive room scheduling capabilities, clickable floor maps, touchscreen workstations, and even integrates with Outlook and Exchange systems. DeskFlex Room Display Touchscreen allows easy access to the booking system anywhere in the office. These features add up to a comprehensive solution that makes it easier than ever for organizations to manage their office hotelling process.


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