
Deliciously Wholesome Lactation Boosters for Feeding Mothers


Breastfeeding is a topmost priority of every newly turned mother and they are pretty much concerned about their milk supply. Many women face a dip in their milk volume and they get worried, blaming themselves for not providing sufficient milk to their newborns. You don’t need to worry, because there are many options for this problem. They are tasty and instantly boost milk production. Good examples are breast milk cookies, oats, brownies or smoothies. Let’s see what they are:

1- Oats

A general accepted belief about oats is that nursing mothers must include oats into their diets in whichever form they prefer because it’s a known breast milk maker. This whole grain cereal is fully loaded with dietary beta-glucan after barley, rich in fiber, iron and healthy carbohydrates for both women and babies. It gives a boost to increase milk supply and lets the mother feel much healthier and energetic.

How to use:

Can be taken as old-fashioned morning porridge, as overnight oats or in smoothies which is the new way of consuming it.

2- Barley

Many times we are told that drinking actually increases milk supply but it’s actually barley, an ingredient of beer, that inhibits milk production. It’s the richest dietary source of beta-glucan, a polysaccharide which works on stimulating breastfeeding hormone prolactin in nursing mothers. Also when this whole grain is sprouted, it has some very beneficial malting enzymes that are healthy and lactogenic.

How to use:

You can add barley in soups, soaked overnight, salads and maple syrup in baked goods or chocolate drinks.

3- Brewer’s Yeast

A well-known super food and non-active fungus (produced by the beer brewing process) which has a lot of nutritional benefits. They’re recommended by many lactation consultants because it has iron, B-complex, protein, selenium, amino acids and other trace minerals. all these vital nutrients fuel up the breast milk immensely. It also aids mothers to maintain post delivery sugar levels plus uplifting their moods in postpartum depression.

How to use:

It’s usually available in powder and tablet form. A small amount is added in your smoothies, pancakes or breast milk cookies to have this lactation booster.

4- Green Papaya

A sunny fruit that is famous in many Asian countries and is best for lactating mothers. Increase its intake as it boosts the quality and amount of milk, encouraging newly turned mothers a speedy recovery. The unripe green papaya works on oxytocin, a female feeding hormone which helps in letdown of milk.

How to use:

Use it raw and make it a part of your salads, cereals, on toast and combat with other fruits or smoothies.

5- Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds have a rich source of non-dairy calcium, which is best for both mother and baby especially those who have lactose intolerance, you need calcium for baby’s growth and development of bone and postpartum recovery. It also has minerals, omega-6 fatty acids and milk boosting properties which are suitable when breastfeeding. However, black sesame seeds are better because they have plant estrogens which increase milk supply.

How to use:

Can be sprinkled on any food, salads, chicken or make its spherical round (ladoo) treats just like truffles, consuming one per day.   

However, if you want some more readily, instant solution to beat your issue of low milk supply, we have some great news for you. Visit the site MILKYMAMA, a lactation supplement and breastfeeding support company whose founder is Krystal Duhaney, a former registered nurse, who has also struggled with dip in her milk volume after her second child. 

They’re offering many delicious lactation boosting treats, with a concoction of ingredients with effective nutritional properties to enhance milk supply. let’s see what they have to offer:

1- Emergency brownies

These emergency brownies have a special quality that they immediately gives a boost in your milk supply, with well-known galactagogues like brewer’s yeast and flax seeds. They’re best suited during periods, experiencing stress or getting back to work. You can buy them for just $22.00, which includes 12 separately packed brownies in a box, recommended to have 1 or 2 per day. They have a five star rating with many positive reviews.

2- Oatmeal Lactation Cookies

These breast milk cookies are made from a popular lactogenic food, oats, with a combination of many milk making herbs and seeds to increase milk supply. They also come in a box of 12 cookies, each covered individually. The good thing is that they’re fenugreek free, in case this potent ingredient doesn’t suit you. Enjoy 1-2 cookies per day with a cup of coffee or tea.

3- Lactation Lemonade:

A refreshing drink can be instantly made by just mixing half of the packet (180) grams in an 8oz or 12oz glass of water and enjoy. You just don’t need any blender or any other ingredient to make it. It also has some powerful milk making herbs which directly work on the mammary tissue glands to stimulate the milk production and let down breast milk. Goat’s rue extract, fennel seeds and blessed thistle are prominent ones. They come in many different flavors to pick from.

4- Caramel Lactation Latte Mix:

A flavorful drink with a combination of milk increasing ingredients and giving you a perfect caffeine kick both at the same time. You’ve to just mix it with milk and let it work for you. It includes some time-tested galactagogues with yummy taste and caramel goodness too. They’re also available in many other awesome variations too.

Ending lines

All of the above-mentioned foods are known lactogenic foods and many women have experienced a great increase in their milk supply by using them. However, different products respond differently to different females, some get immediate results while others have to wait for some time. 

You must be vigilant enough and choose what is best for you and suits you well. We also advise you to visit MILKYMAMA to read about other related information and read precautions too.

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