
CenturyLink Customer Service Call Center

Centurylink Customer Service

CenturyLink Customer service call center number is 866-642-0444. You can call anytime from 7 am – 9 pm (ET) Monday–Friday to speak with a Supervisor Except On weekends (Saturday and Sunday).

Company NameCenturyLink
Own ByLumen Technology Inc
HeadquarterMonroe, Louisiana
Customer Service Number 866-642-0444

CenturyLink Customer Service Call Center:

Centurylink Customer Service Office Pic- credit Pexels

CenturyLink is a former name of LumenTechnologies.Inc is a telecommunication company headquartered in Monroe, Louisiana, that provides services like communications, network services, security, cloud solutions, voice, Internet, and managed services.

It is their best asset that has helped them throughout their business. CenturyLink is now a member of the S&P 500 index and the Fortune 500.

The Call Center Number Of CenturyLink is 866-642-0444. The number is open only between 7 am – 9 pm(ET) from Monday to Friday except for the weekends. The average waiting time on a line for an administrator to pick is 43 min Average. The best time to call is 8:15 am when there is no load on Customer service lines.

As a provider of services in 37 U.S. states, it isn’t shocking to think that its customer service Center gets a huge number of calls.

CenturyLink customer service hours

Centurylink Customer Service Hours are 7 am to 9 pm from Monday to Friday. Daily Customer service hours available are 14 Hrs.

How to login to your Centurylink

Centurylink login is very easy. Follow the below-given Steps to successfully log in to your Centurylink Account:

  • Already have an Account, good. If not, you have to sign up.
  • After Signing up go to the CenturyLink Login Page.
  • Write the Email address in your Email Address section that you used when you created the account.
  • Then Provide the password, if you don’t remember, click Forget Password.
  • Click Remember me if you want to stay logged in.
  • Press Login and you are good to go

CenturyLink customer service email

Centurylink customer service has no email for customer support there is only call center service available if you have got any complaints. However, you can provide your own email Account to their site so that they can contact you there.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the frequently asked questions related to the article Centurylink Customer service call center:

1. How do I report a problem to CenturyLink?

You can report your problems by calling on the CenturyLink customer service number that is 1-877-348-9005

2. Is CenturyLink good internet?

Yes, CenturyLink is one of the best internet service providers. According to US news CenturyLink tops for No. 5 in the frontier for Best Internet Service Providers of 2021 rating, ties for No. 1 for Best DSL Internet Service Provider of 2021, and also ties for No. 6 for Best Fiber Internet Service Provider.

3. How can I talk to a real person at CenturyLink?

You can talk to a real person by making a Call on 866-642-0444 customer service number between 7 am – 9 pm (ET) time and only from Monday–Friday to talk with an agent.

4. What kind of internet is CenturyLink?

CenturyLink is the modest and fast-running kind of internet that can provide the highest speed up to 940 Mbps, starting from 15Mbps. CenturyLink is a massive Internet Service Provider that provides service in 37 states. Offering both DSL and fiber web access, CenturyLink has different rates and packages for its users. CenturyLink web speeds range from 15 Mbps to 940 Mbps.

5. How would I reset my CenturyLink modem?

Step by step instructions to reboot your CenturyLink Modem physically:

  • Turn off the power string from the rear of the modem.
  • Sit tight for one moment.
  • Plug the power string back in and sit tight for the power bulb and web light to become green (or the single LED if you have a C4000 model).
  • You should now have the option to get on the web.

6. Is CenturyLink a terrible organization?

Tragically, yes. CenturyLink as an organization is off the edge of humans and is past fixing. Customer service is awful to the point that it likely costs the organization a huge number of dollars every year. Not only that, their correspondence is all broken. In any case, they’re getting such a lot of money no one appears to the mind.


Centurylink Customer service call center is open Monday to Friday between 7 am to 9 pm (ET) for 14 hours a day. You can talk to a real person if you make a call on 1-866-642-0444. The best time to call them is 8:15 am. CenturyLink Rank top 5 in the Internet Service provider in 37 states.

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