
5 Important Things To Know About Car Accident Disputes

Car Accident Disputes

Have you been involved in a car accident?

If so, there are many important things you need to know after the crash.  

Whether your car was hit, or if another party was hurt, you might wonder what steps to take following the incident. Are there rules to the game of claiming passengers in your insurance policy? Should you stay at the scene or call the authorities?

Here are five important things to know about car accident disputes and your insurance company.

Car Accident Disputes

Car accident disputes can be a stressful experience. You’ve been injured and now you have to deal with the insurance company, which may or may not be willing to pay your claim in full.

A car accident dispute is a matter that is best handled by a professional who knows the law and how the legal system works. A good car accident dispute attorney will make sure that you are compensated fairly for your injuries, lost wages, and property damage. You should find an attorney who has experience with car accident cases and knows what to do in a situation like this.

1. You have the right to get legal advice after an accident.

You should not feel pressured into signing anything before you have consulted with a lawyer.

If the other driver was at fault and you weren’t injured (or only suffered minor injuries), it’s best not to talk to him or her about what happened at the scene of the crash. This can cause confusion and possibly lead to more lawsuits down the road. Your best bet is to wait until later when things have calmed down so you can think clearly about what happened and how best to handle things from here on out.

If your injuries make it impossible for you to drive or work, then this can affect your ability to pay your bills and other expenses. In such cases, seeking compensation may be essential for survival. Also, If someone else’s negligence caused your injuries, then they should compensate you financially for all damages sustained as a result of their actions or inaction.

2. Your insurance policy should cover medical expenses related to your injuries.

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Your insurance policy should cover medical expenses related to your injuries. If you are hurt in an accident, contact your insurance company immediately. The insurer will ask for details about the incident and may ask to examine your vehicle. You may be asked to file a police report or provide a copy of it.

In most cases, this will include doctor visits and any treatments prescribed by your doctor during the recovery process, such as physical therapy or prescription medications. It may also cover lost wages if you’re unable to work due to your injuries. However, some policies may not cover everything that’s necessary for a full recovery — especially if they’re underwritten by an insurance company with low ratings from independent rating agencies.

Depending on your state’s laws, your personal injury protection (PIP) coverage may also apply to car accidents. PIP is required in some states and optional in others. It provides medical coverage up to $10,000 per person per accident with no deductible or copayment requirements.

3. You have the right to file a complaint against someone who caused an accident if they were negligent or reckless.

Negligence occurs when someone does not act as a reasonable person would under similar circumstances. For example, if someone fails to stop at a red light and hits another vehicle because they didn’t check their blind spot or look both ways before making a right turn, this could be considered negligent behavior.

Another form of recklessness is when someone intentionally disregards the possible consequences of their actions and causes harm to others in the process. Another example is if someone speeds through residential neighborhoods while talking on their cell phone and gets into an accident with another car that has children inside it, this could be considered reckless behavior since it puts others at risk by speeding. 

If you have been injured in an accident caused by another party’s negligence or recklessness, we recommend you file a personal injury case.

4. If you’re not sure who was at fault for an accident, take pictures of the scene and any damage done before moving your vehicle.

After the accident, take pictures of the scene and any damage done before moving your vehicle. This will help you later when it comes time to file a claim with your insurance company or make a claim against another driver’s insurance company (if they were at fault).

The next thing to do is exchange information with other drivers involved in the accident. Get their names, phone numbers, addresses and insurance companies so that you can contact them if necessary. If anyone else was injured or had property damaged in the crash, be sure to have their name and contact information as well!

In most cases, if another driver caused the crash by violating traffic laws (speeding, running a red light), then that person is liable for any damages caused by the crash. However, if both drivers contributed equally to causing the accident (both speeding up or braking suddenly), then both parties may share liability for damages caused by the crash.

If you believe someone else is at fault for an accident that caused personal injury or property damage, it’s important to document everything that happened as soon as possible after the incident. Take pictures of any damage done to your vehicle, as well as any injuries sustained from the crash itself.

5. Do not accept settlement quickly.

Insurance companies may offer a settlement before going to court if they think they can’t win based on their investigation into the crash. You may also want to consult an attorney who can help with negotiations between insurance companies and clients who were injured in a car accident.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Even if you are 100% sure that you caused the accident. Never admit fault!

Don’t admit fault until you speak with a lawyer first. You might feel pressured by another driver or even your own insurance company into admitting fault before speaking with an attorney first. Don’t do it! You need to protect yourself from being made to pay for damages that aren’t yours or from getting sued for injuries that weren’t your fault either!


-Credits To Atty. James Amaro-

James Amaro founded the Amaro Law Firm in 2005 after leaving his position as an attorney at a defense law firm. Not long after founding the firm, Mr. Amaro was hired to represent many individuals and families who had their lives destroyed by the BP refinery explosion in Texas City, Texas. Since then, James Amaro has successfully represented thousands of people and businesses in various legal matters, including personal injury claims, business disputes, insurance claims, hurricane claims, and commercial litigation.

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