Fitness Health

3 Ways to Help Your Child Avoid Tooth Decay According to Dentists

teeth treatment

Undoubtedly, maintaining oral health is crucial for children as well as adults. However, unfortunately, tooth decay can occur at any age. Tooth decay can affect both the enamel and the dentin layer of the tooth. Sometimes, it can lead to permanent loss of teeth, especially when ignored and not treated on time.

So, how does tooth decay occur in kids?

Tooth decay occurs when food containing carbohydrates is left on the teeth, and the bacteria in the mouth start to turn the leftover food into acid, resulting in plaque formation. When the plaque clings to the teeth, it dissolves the enamel surface of the teeth, creating holes in the teeth, known as cavities.

While you can prevent plaque buildup by regular brushing and flossing, children don’t usually brush their teeth properly. So, children are more prone to tooth cavities. Parents with children around 6 years old should help their children in brushing their teeth properly to avoid cavities.

What can you do to prevent dental cavities in your child’s teeth?

Maintain a dental hygiene routine: Half the battle against dental cavities is won when your child is able to maintain a good oral care routine. Ideally, everyone should brush their teeth after every meal. However, experts recommend everyone should brush their teeth twice a day and floss once a day. So, you can encourage your kids to brush and floss their teeth regularly from the early stage.

While many parents have a tough time judging how much dental care their kids need, good dental care begins before the eruption of the first tooth. Babies are born with 20 primary teeth. So, parents should clean the baby’s gums with a soft cotton cloth, dipped in warm water, and once the baby gets teeth, brush them with a soft toothbrush.

Schedule regular dental checkups: Unfortunately, many parents overlook the importance of visiting the dentist. They don’t visit the dentist until something is wrong with their baby’s teeth or gums. However, kid’s dentist in Edmonton recommends parents should schedule a dental visit as soon as the first tooth erupts. When that happens, you can drop by dental square in  Lincoln Park so they can examine your child’s teeth as soon as possible.

In addition, everyone should visit the dentist at least twice a year to ensure good oral health and avoid dental cavities or other serious dental issues. When you make regular appointments, your dentist can help you get rid of plaque, identify the signs of tooth decay in advance, teach your child how to brush and clean their teeth properly, etc.

Maintain a healthy diet: As a parent, you should keep a check on what and when your child eats. Since food containing sugar and starch can lead to the production of acid, which can be detrimental to tooth enamel, you should limit the food items like candies, chocolates, sodas, cookies, etc. In addition, make sure your child doesn’t eat snacks too much as it can enhance the acid attack on their teeth. Instead, try to add as much as healthy vegetables and fruits to their diet so that they get all the nutrition to maintain good oral health.

Children’s dentists in Edmonton recommend parents with infants to avoid allowing their infant to sleep with a bottle of milk, juice, or any sugary formula. This practice seems tempting initially, but it can put a great toll on your baby’s teeth, as their teeth will be soaked in sugary substances all night, leading to tooth decay.

The bottom line

Dental cavities are not only harmful but can also be painful. Taking care of your child’s oral health from the beginning can help you preserve their pearly white teeth for several years to come. So, being a responsible parent, make sure you find an affordable pediatric dentist in Edmonton and schedule a dental visit now!

For more information on Dental implants be sure to check out The Point Dental

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