
3 Essential Factors to Building Confidence for All Walks of Life

Walks of Life

We all know confident people. They walk into a room and they just command attention. They know what they want and they go after it. They don’t take no for an answer. But where does that confidence come from? Is it something that people are born with or is it something that’s developed over time?

It turns out, confidence is something that’s built up throughout a person’s life. It starts in childhood and continues to develop into late adulthood. There are a lot of factors that contribute to the development of confidence, but there are major ones we can all look into.

Positive Reinforcement 

From the time we are born, we are constantly learning. One of the ways we learn is through positive reinforcement, which is when we receive reinforcement (a consequence that will increase the likelihood of a behavior being repeated) after displaying the desired behavior. 

For example, a child who gets a cookie for cleaning her room is more likely to clean her room again in the future. This is because she has learned that she will get a reward (the cookie) for engaging in the desired behavior (cleaning her room). This also extends to school, children who are participating in school activities even in toddler classes are more likely to get recognized by their teachers. This, in turn, unlocks their potential in their most formative years preparing them for life and learning where they’re also often rewarded.

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool that can shape our behavior, and it is especially important during childhood. This is because children are still learning how to behave in society and are developing their sense of self-worth. When they receive positive reinforcement for behaving in a desired way, they start to believe that they are “good” or “worthy” people. This builds up their confidence and sets them up for success in life. 

This can even extend until their adolescence as it’s often a time of low self-esteem and self-doubt. Many teens feel like they are constantly being compared to others and falling short. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. However, positive reinforcement can help build up a person’s confidence during this time. 

When teens receive compliments, words of encouragement, or recognition for their accomplishments, it can help them feel good about themselves and their abilities. For example, they might have pulled off a killer singing performance in a school activity and gotten plenty of praise from both their peers and teachers. This validation gives them that boost in confidence where they pursue singing lessons to fully develop that talent and eventually become a singer. As a result, they are more likely to take risks, try new things, and pursue their goals.

Successful Experiences 

Another important factor in the development of confidence is successful experiences. When children (and adults) have success in their lives, it helps them feel confident about their ability to handle future challenges. So children need to have opportunities to try new things and succeed at them. This could be anything from learning a new sport to taking on a leadership role in a club. These successful experiences will help children (and adults) feel confident in their ability to take on new challenges and achieve their goals.

For younger children, this could involve anything from small accomplishments, like learning to tie their shoes or ride a bike, to more significant achievements, such as making the honor roll at school. With each successful experience, children gain a sense of self-efficacy, which is essential for confidence. Furthermore, by seeing themselves as competent and capable, children are more likely to take risks and embrace new challenges.

For adolescents, experiences that help them feel successful and confident can be extremely valuable. One way that teens can gain confidence is through positive social interactions. Spending time with friends and family members who support and encourage them can help teens feel good about themselves. In turn, these interactions grow into experiences they look back at as something as positive as an achievement. They might also find it helpful to connect with others who share similar interests or experiences.

But how about adults and older? A person’s twenties are often a time of great transition, and experiences during this period can have a major impact on one’s confidence level in adulthood. For many people, the twenties are a time when they first move out of their parent’s homes, start their businesses, or begin to build careers. These experiences can be both exciting and daunting, but they can also provide a sense of accomplishment and pride. Consequently, successfully navigating these challenges can lead to increased confidence in one’s abilities. This boost in confidence can then carry into other areas of life, such as relationships and parenting. 

Role Models

Finally, another important factor in the development of confidence is having role models – people who we admire and look up to because of their accomplishments or qualities. Seeing somebody else achieve something that we want to achieve can give us the motivation to work hard and achieve our own goals. It can also help us feel like anything is possible if we set our minds to it.

Children look up to elders for guidance and support. Whether it’s a parent, grandparent, older sibling, or family friend, these role models play an important role in our development. By providing encouragement and praise, they help kids to believe in themselves and their abilities. They also show them how to cope with failure and setbacks, teaching them that it’s okay to make mistakes as long as they learn from them. 

For teens, a role model is someone they admire and look up to, someone who inspires them to be their best selves. Seeing someone else who is happy and successful in life can give them the confidence to pursue their dreams. Importantly, their role models don’t have to be perfect. They can be people who have made mistakes and overcome them because that shows that it’s possible to recover from setbacks.

For many adults, their role model can be someone they’ve never even met. Whether it’s a celebrity or a historical figure, having someone to look up to can give them the confidence they need to succeed in adulthood. It can even be a peer at work, a superior they look up to, or someone they have seen early on.

“My love and passion for my work began from when I was a child watching a dental technician through his shop window. I went on to pursue this path, beginning with training at Randwick TAFE in 1978. By 1985 I had completed my training as a Dental Prosthetist.” added a Prosthetist from Dentures Only.

Role models provide us with an example of how to live our lives and how to overcome adversity. They also give us something to aspire to-a goal to strive for. Seeing someone who has achieved success despite difficulties can help us to believe that we can do the same. 


Confidence is a vital part of being successful in life. It’s something that starts developing in childhood and continues to grow into late adulthood. Three major factors contribute to the development of confidence: positive reinforcement, successful experiences, and role models. By providing children with opportunities for positive reinforcement, successful experiences, and exposure to role models, we can help them develop the confidence they need to be successful in life.

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