
Why 60 minutes of massage is worth it?


Massages are not just a luxurious treat, they are an essential part of self-care. They can help us relax and relieve stress but did you know that massage therapy can also help treat various forms of depression and anxiety, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? 

Medical experts have shown the benefits of massage using scientific research. Here are some of the proven ways that massages can positively affect you:

Pain relief

The benefits of massage for pain relief are backed by science. A 2010 study published in the journal The International Journal of Neuroscience found that massage therapy can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. A 2017 study from the same journal found that massages can increase blood flow to the injured area. Massage also helps reduce muscle tension, improve muscle flexibility, and increase the production of endorphins—all factors involved in reducing pain levels.

Improved sleep quality

Massage is one of the most effective ways to promote relaxation and help you sleep better. A recent study found that massage can reduce muscle tension, stress, anxiety and depression—all known to interfere with sleep quality.

The researchers discovered that the more a person received massage therapy over eight weeks, the better their sleep quality became. They also found that this positive effect was strongest amongst those who received massage twice per week rather than once per week or less often than that.

Another study revealed how effective massage can be at reducing snoring in patients who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA is a common but dangerous condition where people experience shallow breathing during sleep due to narrowing of their airway due to soft tissue collapse within the throat area—this causes them to snore loudly and often wake up gasping for breath before falling back into slumber again!

Stress-relief and relaxation

There is a lot of research out there that supports the idea that massage therapy can help with stress relief and relaxation.

For example, one study found that massage therapy has a positive effect on the nervous system by increasing parasympathetic activity (which lowers heart rate and blood pressure). Another found that regular sessions of Swedish massage can also help lower anxiety levels, as well as increase serotonin levels in your brain.

The effects go beyond just mental health, too: Massage therapy may also help improve digestion by stimulating blood flow to the intestines, which aids digestion!

Reduced anxiety

Massage therapy is a great way to reduce anxiety, stress, depression and pain. In fact, it can even help you sleep better.

Massage therapy can also help relieve aches and pains associated with:

  • Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia (muscle stiffness)
  • Sciatica (pain in the lower back or leg)
  • Sports injuries

Increased range of motion

Massage therapy can be a great way to increase your range of motion. When you stretch and flex your muscles, they become more flexible than before. This allows them to move through their full range of motion more easily, which can help prevent injury in the future.

Stretching exercises are perfect for increasing your flexibility and they are easy to do at home. Try sitting up straight against a wall with both feet flat on the floor, knees bent 90 degrees with feet placed 12 inches apart (don’t let them touch). Tilt your head back slightly so that you are looking up at the ceiling; then reach behind you as far as possible without arching or rounding out your back. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat four times on each side—you will notice improvement after just one session!

If stretching is not quite enough for you, try adding some strengthening moves into the mix by holding lightweight dumbbells or cans of food while doing crunches or pushups off of an exercise ball or couch cushion (hold onto something sturdy so that it does not slide away from under you during these activities).

Improved posture

Did you know that massage therapy can help improve your posture?

The science behind this is simple: massage increases blood flow and circulation, which increases oxygen flow to the muscles. As you may know, oxygen is essential for muscle function—including proper posture. With more oxygen flowing to your muscles, they will be able to move more freely, effectively preventing poor posture from occurring in the first place.

Massage therapy can also help treat various forms of depression and anxiety, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

It is true! Massage therapy can reduce symptoms of depression, according to a study that found that women with major depressive disorder showed a decrease in depression symptoms after receiving massage therapy. 

Massage can also be effective in treating anxiety disorders. One study showed that self-administered massage was just as effective as medication when it came to reducing anxiety levels in patients with generalized anxiety disorder. So even if you don’t have any specific medical issues, getting a good rubdown now and then is still pretty good for your overall well-being!

Massage therapy is a great way to relax and unwind, but it can also provide some health benefits as well. As you can see from our list above, there are many reasons why someone might choose massage therapy over other forms of treatment for their health issues. Whether you want to relieve stress from work or simply feel better after an injury, massage therapy can help you with both!

Looking for a massage or spa hotel in Dubai?

H-Hotel Dubai is the best spa hotel in Dubai. Located in the heart of the city and surrounded by the most beautiful landmarks, H-Hotel Dubai offers a unique experience for its guests.

H-Hotel Dubai is a luxury spa hotel in UAE that provides high-quality services including massage therapy, facials, body treatments, manicures and pedicures as well as hair styling. The spa at H-Hotel Dubai offers an amazing range of treatments that will leave you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.

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