
Webmaster’s common tasks and website monitoring basics

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These days, a successful webmaster simply has to be an all-rounder in web development. In most cases, the webmaster has to work alone instead of a support team. So usually website owners or hired webmaster will be in need of performing a lot of tasks and functions simultaneously. Simply put, usually a webmaster must cope with the duties of the programmer, web-designer, content creator, moderator and even a support staff member. Covering all of these functions is not easy. After all, the maintenance, development and promotion of web sites is a complex task.

Webmaster’s must know 101

The range of tasks that an experienced webmaster may face every day is difficult to describe in a few words. Since it can be as small as there is a whole team of specialists sharing responsibilities. And it can be huge if all the tasks are performed by one person. In any case, regardless of the situation, the webmaster must have a minimum set of skills:

  • Basic knowledge of frontend, backend and web programming.
  • Understanding of web design and CSS.
  • Basic knowledge of setting up and maintaining a database and server, as well as hosting and domain settings.
  • Mobile web development understanding.
  • At least basic knowledge of content creation and SEO.

In addition, sometimes specific functionality is required that industry giants deliberately do not want to implement or cannot implement due to legal restrictions. And there are no limits to perfection yet – many services develop and improve existing functions. Therefore, today there are so many tools for webmasters that it is very, very easy to get confused in them.

Webmaster’s troubleshooting routines

Any problems with a website are a source of headache for the owner or webmaster of a web project. Regardless of its orientation, it causes an outflow of users and potential customers. And hence the reputation and financial losses. This is due to the fact that in cases of problems the website can slowly load, load incompletely or not work at all. And it’s important to understand what the problems with the website can be.

It is also important to understand that even large companies are not immune to problems. As an example, we can remember the blackout of Facebook that happened in the fall of 2021. Back then, the world’s largest social network did not work for several hours. And all the related services did not work. visit for more

Hosting-related and server-related issues

First of all – problems related to web hosting or server problems can range from failed hardware and network failures to flaws in the hosting organization on a logical level. This also includes technical work. The site owner, of course, will be warned about them. But at such times, the site will still not work, which means it is a problem. And, often, unexpected.

Web hosting inefficiencies are also a huge problem. Usually this is due to an increase in load that exceeds the available capacity of the tariff. Or because of a mismatch between the real and reported performance of web hosting. For example, if there are too many visitors to the site, but the provided capacity is not enough.

As a rule, either the site owner made a mistake when calculating the necessary capacity, or the hosting did not provide the resources for the tariff plan. Tracking these things is difficult, especially if the hoster follows the precepts of non-interference.

Website-related issues

Non-optimized scripts, a remote database from the hosting server, incomprehensible cascade redirects can lead to the fact that it will be at least inconvenient for a regular visitor to use the site. If you see a lot of 503 errors in the logs, but personally your site is working, trust the logs and run to look for the problem. Also, HTTP errors are literally the most common on the web. They are related to server software failures for one reason or another. There are many of them, and each has its own specifics, which you need to pay attention to. However, a simple list of browser errors will be a super simple guide to those errors and how to fix them.

Best way to solve website monitoring routines

The best way to prevent long-term problems and avoid all kinds of losses, both reputational and financial, is to quickly find and eliminate the sources of problems. To do this, the webmaster needs to constantly monitor the various indicators of the site. And in today’s world it is necessary to use the most effective means. For example, specialized monitoring services. And the HostTracker platform is the best online site monitoring service available in this niche. This is a fully automated set of tools for monitoring websites. At the same time, it works around the clock and is completely independent of the user’s equipment.

To take advantage of all of its features, you just need to register. Even without it, you can easily online check website status on site manually. But by registering, you get a free 30-day trial and can learn how to add and configure automatic sequences to monitor your site. You can use it to perform a variety of website monitoring activities, including but not limited to:

  • Monitoring the status and performance of the website.
  • Availability tests using HTTP, ICMP, SMTP, SNMP, TCP and other Internet protocols.
  • SSL certificate verification and domain verification tests.
  • Tests of the speed of loading web pages and access to content.
  • Scanning global DNS blacklists.
  • Checking the contents and integrity of the database.

And the system will do all this automatically. And if there’s a problem, this service, with a properly configured instant notification system, sends a message to the webmaster. It contains a precise indication of where to look for the source of the problem.

To provide a higher grade of website monitoring, HostTracker includes a variety of tools to check hosting – can easily provide info about hardware and software. With its help even novice webmaster can check HDD, RAM, CPU and all other vital indicators of web server, if he provides proper access credentials to this system.

How to provide security from DDoS attacks and spam

A DDoS attack allows a hacker to flood a network or server with fake traffic. Too much traffic overloads resources and disrupts communication, preventing the system from processing genuine user requests. Services become unavailable, and the target company suffers from long downtime, lost profits and dissatisfied customers.

To protect your website, you should develop an emergency response plan that will ensure a quick and effective response in the event of a DDoS attack. In addition, network security is necessary to prevent any DDoS attack attempts. Since an attack only matters if the hacker has enough time to accumulate requests, the ability to identify DDoS at an early stage is vital.

It is also good to have a backup server. Using multiple distributed servers makes it difficult for a hacker to attack all servers simultaneously. If an attacker launches a successful DDoS attack on one host device, the other servers remain unaffected and receive additional traffic until the target system is back online.

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