
Turn Your iPhone & Android Phones Into a Scanner with this free app

Android Phones Into a Scanner


QuickScan Android as well as iPhone Scanner App allows Users to Scan or search for files and share them from your iPhone, iPad & Android smartphones.

Technostacks has launched the app QuickScan to transform any smartphone into a scanner. Through the QuickScan Scanner application, users can take an image of a paper document and then scan it. They can save the file as PDF to their device and share it using a variety of sharing options.Be it any type of document – notes invoicing, invoices, receipts picture, drawing, Identity cards, business cards handwritten notes, blackboard scribbles or whiteboard doodles.

Or even thinking of ideas to brainstorm after scanning users can look through the document, modify the name or rearrange it, arrange it and search text with the QuickScan’s Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. Share and access documents from anywhere using its cloud-based file cabinet. 

QuickScan offers a complete selection of scanning services to users who only have mobile devices. The app is available for download via either the Google PlayStore or AppStore.

Use case of QuickScan App

Businesses can utilise their QuickScan Scanner app to make it easier to scan and share documents while on the road. For instance, an insurance agent responding to accidents that occur on the road can take photos of drivers’ licences and contracts, and then upload them as PDF documents with text search capabilities in a matter of minutes. The agent may also take photos of damage and the location of the accident, and then upload them to folders that his team in the office can view immediately. This is a dual-use scenario since the agent is able to access their entire file cabinet while on the go with their phone by transferring the files they downloaded from their app onto their Laptops. With QuickScan’s search feature on the phone the file can be easy to locate and accessible immediately from anywhere.

“We’re revolutionising the way that people organise and share data while on the move,” explained Technostacks CEO Mrudul Shah.

Users can share documents with their teams within a matter of minutes, and then look up all their documents on the cloud, regardless of where they are just by the smartphone camera and an app. QuickScan allows remote working simpler than ever.

Features of QuickScan App

QuickScan Scanner application is free to download and comes with an in-app subscription that allows for premium features. The main features for QuickScan include:

  • OCR Search feature Scanned documents can be edited and searchable text using a single tap of the OCR button on the QuickScan App.QuickScan offers a robust and noteworthy OCR feature.
  • Re-arrange and Rename Scanned files The QuickScan document scanner application lets you rename PDF documents scanned for quick sorting and retrieval.
  • Compatibility: Compatible with both your iPhone and iPad as well as, now it’s also available on your Android.
  • Security: PIN/Password added facilitates every document, and all files that are sent to the system use the latest technology in encryption.
  • Scan multiple pages, make multi-page PDFs, or turn photos from your Android phone’s photo gallery to PDFs.

Smart mobile uploading is available, however, if the device doesn’t have internet connectivity, the scan will automatically be uploaded once the internet is available.

Basic Understanding of QuickScan App

QuickScan application can scan images and convert them to PDF using the unpaid version. The scanner application for free allows you to take photos and save them in PDF or JPEG documents and allow sharing PDF files. (And this is often all you require.) Documents that were scanned via email, uploaded on drives or shared through email, and stored in cloud storage are only some of the most common options for sharing accessible through the QuickScan Free scanner application that is available to Android as well as iOS.

The paid version comes with advanced editing options, such as OCR The conversion of text from PDF format, and electronic signatures for PDF documents which have been scanned as an annotation. It is also possible to secure PDF files as well as import PDF files as well as different image formats.

QuickScan is a powerful application However, it’s simple and reliable. It’s affordable for the functions it offers and its download is completely free to iOS as well as Android.

In a Nutshell

QuickScan Document Scanner app allows easy business operations through rapid scanning of documents, digital document filing, and sharing PDFs that are encrypted. Additionally, the documents scanned are accessible from any location, at any time, regardless of the work hours differences.All you require is your smartphone.QuickScan Document scanning software allows users to use scanners, names, arrange the documents, rearrange them, search and share documents in a matter of minutes. QuickScan application is an excellent application especially for remote locations to facilitate collaboration between your team members and clients.

QuickScan Document Scanning app was designed by Technostacks with a focus on iPad as well as iPhone users. They have since greatly enhanced the interface of Android users via the Google PlayStore.

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