Digital Marketing

Top Best Proven Tips to Promote YouTube Channel

Best Proven Tips to Promote YouTube Channel

YouTube channel promotion is easy as long you use the proper methods and tools. If you want to learn more about the top proven tips on how you can promote YouTube channel, read on.

When it comes to digital marketing, YouTube has become the topmost preferred digital mode of marketing. Many people create great content to reach their audience, attract more audience, and earn good money from it. So, if you are wondering if you can make good money from content creation on YouTube, the answer is yes. This is a lucrative platform where many people reap good money from content creation. But, it all narrows down to how your YouTube videos fair on the platform; hence the need to promote your YouTube video(s)

What is YouTube channel promotion?

YouTube video promotion is a mode of video marketing whereby the videos uploaded are made to the surface automatically; when the targeted audience opens the YouTube platform. So, for example, if someone is prone to searching for methods to apply makeup and you happen to create content related to beauty, your videos will always pop on their feed when they open their YouTube channel. In other words, YouTube promotion gives or increases visibility.

Why should you promote YouTube videos?

  • To increase traffic

There are over 5 billion people signed up on YouTube worldwide. So this means that at least millions of people will come across your video if it is advertised. Furthermore, if some of these people click on your video and like what you are doing, they will want to come back to see what more you can offer in content creation, which increases traffic.

Tips on how to promote a YouTube channel

  • Optimize your YouTube channel

First, you need to make sure your YouTube channel is visible to the audience by creating a well-detailed channel. In this, you ought to give your audience a short description stating who you are and what your channel is all about.

Be specific on what you will be offering your audience so they can stick around. As you Promote the YouTube channel, it is good to emphasize clarity on your brand. Therefore, use the channel icon, thumbnails, website, and even your socials from your logo and fonts. Everything should be consistent at all times.

The other thing you need to optimize your YouTube channel is to add contact details to establish and promote communication with your viewers.

Choose the right keywords.

The keywords you use play a significant role in promoting YouTube videos. Keywords communicate with the YouTube platform by telling them what your channel is about. With the right keywords, YouTube will know your content and your target audience for better promotion to the right audience.

Provide a catchy and irresistible title

This is the first thing the audience will see when they come across your video. So, to promote more views, you ought to have a good ad captivating and title. A title alone plays a massive role in YouTube promotion, and thus, it should be engaging, attractive, and direct to the point. For example, if your YouTube channel is about home workouts and you would like to add a video about toning the arms, write a title that talks about the area you are toning, the training moves to do, and how long you should do the exercises. Some of the things to keep in mind when writing a YouTube channel video title are;

It should be short with not more than 70 characters.

  • Ensure the keyword is present on the title
  • Ensure the title is catchy and informative to the audience.
  • Be honest (avoid clickbait tricks)
  • Have a compelling and attractive thumbnail

Thumbnail goes hand in hand with the video title regarding YouTube promotion. This is a small image of what the audience will find once they click on the video for viewing. So, the more exciting and attractive thumbnail is the higher chances of the viewer clicking to view your video.

Engage your audience

Although sometimes it may be hard to engage all people who comment on your YouTube videos, it is good to try and show your appreciation to them. So, make sure to take time and reply to your audience’s comments. If not so, ensure you like their comments as a way of showing you appreciate them taking the time to view your video. If your audience asks for more clarity, provide to give them all details and give a reference where due.

Advertise your YouTube channel/ videos

Seeking YouTube promotion services through paid YouTube promotion options can take your channel to a new level. This can be done through display ads, none skippable ads, overlay ads, etc. But, first, find a suitable advertising model and the best services provider for quicker and broader viewing.


These are the best-proven tips to aid in YouTube promotion. You need to have a well-detailed YouTube channel, create engaging and educational content and use the right marketing tools to promote the track. It is also good to work with experienced people to help you create content and choose the right title and thumbnails for your YouTube channel.

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