
The Ultimate Entertainment Environment

WPC2027 (1)

WPC2027 isn’t just an event – it’s an entire experience. That means that in addition to the incredible sessions you can expect at WPC2027, you also get to choose from all sorts of pre- and post-conference events that add even more entertainment value to your time spent in San Francisco! This guide will help you get ready for the ultimate WPC2027 experience by pointing out the top events taking place around town before and after this conference kicks off!

What Is It?

Where will you be spending your time in 2027? If you’re not an avid futurist or technology follower, chances are pretty good that in a spaceship wasn’t one of your answers. But not all sci-fi tech is relegated to science fiction; some of it is already being developed and tested. From virtual reality to transportation systems that operate at near-light speeds, future technologies are promising some pretty incredible things. As humanity pushes forward into an unknown future, it’s important to remember that we can’t accomplish anything without a solid plan. To help navigate our way through a possible future where everything has been invented but nothing has changed, here’s a rundown of just some of what we’re looking forward to over the next 10 years. (Oh, and if you’ve ever wondered how we got to today—here’s a helpful history lesson on modern day life.)

Since is still in its planning stages (as of January 2016), I’ve added a little context by including details about recent developments in space travel and telecommunications (such as SpaceX & Virgin Galactic). There are also links embedded throughout my post that provide additional information about various topics. And if anyone wants more info on any topic mentioned above, please feel free to contact me directly via email or Twitter! Thanks for reading! 🙂

Who Will Attend?

One of your primary goals when planning a convention is deciding who you want to attend. If you only attract media professionals, then your event will be boring and useless to most people. If you attract computer enthusiasts, it will be boring and useless to gamers and business people. Try to appeal to as many different demographics as possible. Have panels on anime and tabletop gaming as well as journalism so that every type of gamer can enjoy your con in their own way (and so they feel compelled to return next year). In order to make sure that everyone feels included, you may need an intricate system of committees, moderators, and other groups who manage different aspects of planning. For example, if one committee decides to ban cosplay from their panel but another committee wants to include it, there needs to be some sort of mediation process where both sides are heard and compromises are made. Be careful not to let too many cooks spoil your broth!

When And Where?

The will be held in Dallas, Texas. For more information on Dallas you can click here . Though much of it is not available yet, I’ve reached out to some people to plan a special event in honor of entertainment. My intent is to have non-gaming stuff going on like concerts and movies that are appropriate for family enjoyment while still delivering a full gaming experience at night. It’s very early on in planning stages, but we’re excited about what we’re coming up with. While we don’t have firm dates yet, look forward to tickets coming your way sometime around June 2019 with finalizing dates probably not happening until mid or late 2019. Check back here often or follow us on social media to stay updated!

Why Should I Care?

Why should you care about learning all of these different skills? It can be hard to think about what they could possibly have in common and what value they may hold. We’re not going to lie, though—it takes a lot of time and energy to learn new things. What we promise is that if you keep at it, your efforts will pay off! When you surround yourself with some of today’s most innovative people, including some who are already leaders in their fields, you’ll learn quickly and build relationships that will stay with you through your entire career. And if it doesn’t look like an opportunity exists now, then chances are good that it might open up down the road!

Tickets & Pricing

When you buy your tickets from Event Brite, you’ll enjoy a number of added benefits. In addition to seeing that seats are still available and managing your personal calendar, you can use Event Brite’s email notifications to remind you about upcoming shows and keep track of which events you’ve already attended. If one event sounds better than another, be sure to check out both of them on Event Brite before deciding. From there, it’s easy to get a hard copy in addition to or instead of an electronic ticket. Just print out your tickets at home and take them with you! No need to run around trying to find last-minute printed tickets at will call or rely on friends or family members who might not have a printer (or know how) themselves.


The World’s Biggest Music Festival and A Special Holiday Celebration with The Time Machine are just a few of many spectacular events happening in world’s entertainment capital. When you add dozens of breathtaking musical shows, state-of-the-art cinemas, exquisite theaters, first class sporting arenas, gourmet restaurants and luxury hotels – plus top fashion houses, cafes and spas – it all adds up to an unforgettable trip to Playground for Grown-Ups! Plus you can visit hundreds of official monuments & museums by purchasing tickets through your local package operator or tourist office of . Bordeaux is home to one of France’s most famous wine regions and boasts more than 800 cultural venues in its historic city center.

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