Hearing loss is more than just an annoyance. It can have devastating consequences for people of all ages, especially the elderly. When people can’t hear well, they tend to withdraw from activities and become more isolated, leading to all kinds of mental, emotional, and even physical complications.
Unfortunately, hearing loss is not a rare phenomenon. Everyone’s hearing steadily declines with age. The good news is that, while hearing loss can’t be reversed, it can be addressed safely and comfortably by wearing hearing aids. Read on to find out about the benefits of going to an audiologist to be fitted for these helpful assistive listening devices.
Improved Relationships
Hearing loss makes it difficult to maintain positive relationships with partners, children, other family members, friends, and coworkers. A lack of mutual understanding can create unnecessary conflicts, and hearing loss makes it so difficult to hear in loud environments that many people forgo outings to restaurants entirely. For most people, even relatively high hearing aid costs are more than worth it to restore the ability to communicate effectively with friends and loved ones.
Increased Independence
People with advanced hearing loss may not be able to live independently without assistance. Activities like driving can be dangerous to those who are unable to hear well, which makes even simple tasks such as going grocery shopping more difficult. Wearing hearing aids makes it possible not just to drive safely but also to complete all kinds of essential tasks in loud environments with less stress Cheap Internet Deals Near Me.
Reduced Tinnitus Symptoms
Tinnitus, the medical term for ringing in the ears, is a very common problem, and more often than not, it’s a symptom of underlying hearing loss. Patients who suffer from both tinnitus and hearing loss should make a point of mentioning it to their audiologists. There are some hearing aids that are more effective for combatting tinnitus symptoms than others.
Decreased Risk of Cognitive Decline
People who live with untreated hearing loss eventually begin to experience degradation in the sections of their brains associated with speech recognition. This, in turn, leads to an increased risk of cognitive decline in other areas of life. In elderly patients, the relationship between hearing loss and cognitive decline can create a negative feedback loop. Being fitted for hearing aids disrupts that relationship so people hear better but also begin to rebuild essential neural connections in the brain.
Improved Mental Health
Wearing hearing aids can help to prevent social isolation, which makes people less likely to develop mood-related mental health disorders. Hearing loss could increase the odds of developing depression by as much as 47%. Given that mental health has a direct influence on physical health, it’s also reasonable to claim that hearing loss negatively impacts all aspects of a person’s life.
Schedule a Hearing Test
For most Americans, the many benefits of wearing hearing aids make them well worth the hassle and the cost. These assistive listening devices won’t work miracles and give wearers back 100% of their hearing, but being fitted with hearing aids is a fantastic way to regain some independence and emotional wellbeing. Call a local audiologist to schedule a hearing test today.