Social Media

Telegram’s flexible forwarding and automatic jump to the next channel

Telegram's flexible

Telegram(电报APP) is an extremely popular messaging app. It was developed by Pavel Durov, the same guy who created VKontakte (VK), one of the main social networks in Russia and some other countries in Eastern Europe. Telegram has many cool features that make it stand out from competing services like Whatsapp:

You know, this is an extremely cool feature

You can forward messages to other channels, which means you can send your entire chat history with someone to another channel without any need for copying and pasting. This is great for moving discussions between multiple groups or just sending a funny reaction GIF out into the wild.

You can also forward messages to other people, which lets you create a one-to-one conversation with anyone on Telegram. If you want access to all the messages sent between two people over time, try clicking their profile pic in the chats list view—this will open up their mutual history with full message transcripts and timestamps (see screenshot below).

In addition to forwarding chats, there’s also support for forwarding photos/video/audio files through Telegram’s built-in media player. Just open up any file attachment in its window by right-clicking on it (or pressing ‘C’):

You can copy a link and send it to you

This is not what I’m talking about. A link in Telegram is plain text that can be sent to anyone, even if they don’t have Telegram. If you send them a link and they open it, they will see something similar to this:

- (the link)

-(the screenshot)

Telegram has a lot of interesting options for sending messages

Telegram(中文版Telegram) has a lot of interesting options for sending messages. You can use emojis, stickers, and gifs, add links and images, use the formatting options and quote someone else’s message in your own.

It’s also possible to forward one message to several chat groups at once by adding a channel name at the end of the address.

When you want to edit something in a conversation or delete it completely from Telegram memory, there are only two buttons on this page: “Edit” or “Delete.”

Edit message function

If you are lucky enough to be in a chat where more than one admin has enabled the ability to edit messages, then you can use those edits in order to make your message look different from others.

In order to do so, the first step is for the admin of your channel (or yourself if you’re an admin) to enable the editing of messages. This should be done by going into Settings > Privacy & Security > Edit messages

Use bold or italic text or change the text color

Another way to stand out from the crowd is by using bold text or italics, or by changing the text color directly in the sent message.

You can also use bold and italic text together with a background color, or even with a border:

How to attract people’s attention to some information

But all these “tricks” are good only if you want to attract attention to some information. They are not useful for forwarding messages, because the recipients will see it as a regular text message and not a link. In addition, bold, italic, and color can be used for messages in the same channel or group chats, but they should not be used when sending links – otherwise, they may confuse your friend or recipient.

Involves forwarding messages between channels

When you forward a message between channels, the text will not look the same. The formatting of messages is lost in that process and they will be displayed according to your current channel settings.

However, we can fix that!

The JoinChatBot app allows you to forward messages from one Telegram channel to another, as well as jump to the next and previous channels. To use this app, simply follow these steps:

-Install the JoinChatBot application on your Android phone or tablet (it’s also available on iOS).

-Open the JoinChatBot application and connect it with your Telegram account by completing the instructions here:

-After connecting with your Telegram account, you should see a list of all of the groups in which you are a participant (you cannot use this feature if you’re not yet part of any groups). Select one from this list by tapping it; then tap “Add” at the top right corner of your screen so that when someone sends an invite link for another group, it will automatically be accepted instead of requiring confirmation from you each time

More convenient port forwarding

If you’re tired of having to forward posts manually with JoinChatBot over and over again, you need this app to help you out!

This app will help you automate forwarding messages. It’ll save you time and energy by automating the process of forwarding messages to other channels. It’s perfect if you have multiple Telegram groups that are always active throughout the day, or even if one channel has many different topics going at once.

It also helps keep your channels organized by automatically jumping straight into the next channel after a post is forwarded. This ensures that there’s no confusion as far as where people are located: they’re always in the same place when they start using this extension (as opposed to being stuck somewhere else).

Last but not least, because it saves money! Forwarding posts manually costs cash at a rate of $0.05 per message sent; with this app installed on your computer and tablet/phone, however, those fees will be waived entirely because we’ve already paid them ourselves!


This is the end of this blog post. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me on Twitter at @joinchatbot

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