
 Why Is The Student Undisciplined?


 Why Is The Student Undisciplined?

An undisciplined student arouses the fear of young teachers and the fatigue of experienced ones. Sometimes the phenomenon of indiscipline is “easy”, transient, other times we are dealing with moments that the teacher manages with difficulty, moments that can lead to major imbalances in the classroom. That is why it is appropriate to know better the pedagogical architecture of the undisciplined student, to answer the question: why and how does a good student become an undisciplined student?

To begin with, we must say that there are more than just answers, but we are facing a network of consequences of the deterioration of the educational climate: from unattractive subjects at school to uninvolved parents, from teachers who do not have pedagogical tact to harmful groups of friends. , from negative tendencies in society to the student, to his choices. But all these perspectives can be subsumed in a single nodal point that Rudolf Dreikurs highlights very well; everyone wants a positive affiliation, they want status and recognition. All students come to school with this need and not all of them can fulfill it properly. Some of the students have better school performance and they receive the status and recognition they want from the school. But what about the others? What path remains open for them?

Seeking attention

When the student does not receive the attention he wants, he can try to get it through indiscipline. Improper behavior, asking irrelevant questions, asking for special favors… all these are able to interrupt the time and focus attention on it. Another author (Fredric Jones) observes that the teacher loses about 50% of his time because the students are out of work or disturb the teacher or other colleagues in various ways. This is a very worrying percentage that could lead many educators to say that it is exaggerated. However, if we look at a normal day, we may be amazed at the conclusions we can reach.

Returning to Dreikurs, the author shows us how we can realize that our student is looking for attention: he is behaving inappropriately, he stops when we make his observation and then he will repeat it later.

What if he doesn’t stop when we observe him? This means that the student has passed to the second stage: the search for power.

The search for power

In search of power, a student will defy his teacher. The need for power is characterized by strong arguments, contradictions, the appearance of lies and hostility towards the teacher. The mere fact of making the teacher get into a battle with them makes the students who have reached this stage feel that they have won because all that matters is to feel that they have upset the teacher. For Dreikurs, the refusal to continue with negative behavior or even the increase of this negative behavior despite the teacher proves that the student is in the stage of seeking power.

Seek revenge

If the student did not succeed in the stages of seeking attention or power, he will also reach the stage of seeking revenge. Now the only thing that pleases him is that he feels that he has the power to cause others displeasure. Through this action they are prepared to be punished by the adult which will fuel their need for revenge. He considers it a victory that they are disliked by those around him and the watchword is violence.

Showing inadequacy

It is the last stage at Dreikurs: the students feel powerless and see themselves as losers. They have low self-esteem, refuse to participate in class activities, no longer interact with others.

But where does all this escalation start? The undisciplined student is not like that from the beginning. For Dreikurs, classroom discipline presupposes freedom and choice (but with an understanding of the consequences of that behavior). Sometimes children see the discipline required by adults as a set of arbitrarily chosen rules by the educator that they do not understand and / or do not want to accept. Therefore, when they are punished, they do not see the motivation behind the punishment – as a result they become hostile and rebel against the imposed order.

When some children fail to get attention in the way the school demands, they choose to try to get the desired result through inappropriate behaviors. The teacher should ignore these reactions, but pay attention when the child is not expecting, at times when inappropriate behaviors do not occur. Thus, very quickly the child will learn that he can get the teacher’s attention only when he does not have inappropriate behaviors. As a result, an unruly child will become less undisciplined. This does not mean that indiscipline will disappear from the classroom, but only that it will be reduced enough to be easily administered by our teacher.

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