
Now Get Certificate of No Impediment Apostille 2022 By Lawyer

Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage:

A certificate of no impediment to marriage, commonly referred to as “no-impediment certificate” or “certificate of no impediment”, is a document issued by the government where the couple live, to confirm their marriage was performed without any legal impediments. It is also called as Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage or Certificate of Freedom to Marry. __% of the married couples in Pakistan are not aware of the fact that there are certain documents that need to be signed to get married in any other country. One such document is the “No Impediment Certificate” (NIC) which is necessary when you want to get married in a foreign country.

No Legal Barrier:

A certificate of no impediment is a document that proves that there is no legal barrier to you getting married. For example, it could prove that you are not married, that your previous marriage was dissolved and that there is no reason why you cannot marry. Most countries require this certificate to prove that there are no legal reasons for you not to marry. The certificate must be issued in the same language that is used in the country where you wish to marry. If you are applying to marry in United Kingdom, than you will have to get your certificate of no impediment in English.

No Legal Impediment Certificate:

No Legal Impediment is certificate which is given by a licensed marriage registrar. After the marriage ceremony, both husband and wife has to sign the certificates and make it their marriage certificate. The certificate is used for the purpose of the sale of freehold property and for the purpose of proving the legality of marriage. It is issued if the following are found No other person is legally entitled to consent to the marriage ABSENCE of lawful impediment, i.e. either party is under the legal age of marriage, there is any kind of relationship between the parties which makes the party ineligible for marriage, there is, between the parties, any kind of ban on marriage and the husband is impotent (has no sexual desire).

Most Important questions About Certificate:

These are the most common questions asked by Pakistanis when they are to get married overseas. The answers to these questions are as follows:

Answer of the Previous Question:

A legal impediment may stop a marriage if the court ruling is not to the mutual satisfaction of the two parties. The most common of these are a former marriage, prior legal commitment to another, the existence of a spouse or a current domestic partner, the mental or physical incapacity to enter into a marriage, and the presence of a third party who would be harmed by the marriage. If a party is found to have fraudulently attempted to use a “legal impediment” to stop a lawful marriage, they may face criminal charges.

Legal Consent:

Only a parent who is not a minor and not insane can give consent to person who is not a minor to get married. The consent has to be in writing. However the consent does not have to be given in court. Any one of the persons can give consent to the person for marriage. Anything in the nature of a gift or a legacy made to the person after the marriage is void if the person making the gift or legacy is not the mother or father of the person.

If a parent gives consent to the marriage of a minor, the marriage is valid. If a person other than a parent gives consent to the marriage of a minor, the consent must be given in a registered record. This can be done by the mother, father or guardian of the minor. The consent must be made in the presence of a Registrar and a signature of the person giving consent has to be attested by the Registrar.

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