
Natural Vs Lab Created Ruby Engagement Rings: What to Opt For?


Getting engaged brings excitement to the heart of any couple. In excitement, we often buy many expensive things just to make a moment very special. The most important thing to buy before engagement is an engagement ring.

Normally, many couples choose diamond engagement rings to gift their partners as a symbol of love before engagement. But you can also gift a ruby ring before engagement to your fiancé. Rubies are directly connected to love and bond.

If you have some amazing ideas for designing a ruby ring, share your ideas with your jeweler. You will get many useful tips from this ruby engagement ring buying guide before buying a ruby ring for engagement. It will also help to select from natural or lab-made rubies for your engagement rings.

What Are Natural Rubies?

As the name says, natural rubies are found in the earth’s crust. They are present in nature. You do not have to use any method or technique to make them. Apart from that, the natural rubies also contain components of the earth. These rubies are the rarest gemstones with high prices.

Natural rubies vary in shapes and sizes. Some of them have many imperfections and flaws. These gemstones also vary in color because of imperfections and flaws.

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What Are Synthetic Rubies?

Synthetic rubies are manufactured in labs under controlled conditions. There is a long process of making synthetic rubies that starts by giving seed to a natural ruby. Growth and creation processes are carried out under strict regulations.

Lab-made diamonds do not contain any flaws or imperfections because they are polished by humans. They also contain some optical attributes like natural rubies. These characteristics make lab-made rubies and other gemstones more perfect and flawless.

Major Differences Between Natural Rubies and Lab-Made Rubies

When you decide to buy a ruby ring, there is quite a lot of confusion in your mind. We have to decide the types of rubies to choose for designing a ring or pendant. Before choosing the type of rubies, it is necessary to look at the differences between natural and lab-made rubies.

  • Natural rubies contain aluminum oxide or Al2O3. It also has a magnitude between 3.99 and 4 with an index series between 1.760 – 1.768 and 1.770 – 1.779. Lab-made rubies may contain some amount of aluminum oxide.
  • Natural rubies have a hardness score of 9 on the Mohs Scale. Synthetic rubies have a less score on the Mohs scale.
  • A natural ruby is found under the surface of the earth while lab-made rubies are made in a controlled environment.
  • Natural rubies have some imperfections or flaws while synthetic rubies do not contain any flaws or complications because they are made by humans.
  • Lab-made rubies have different chemical structures from real rubies that are found in nature.
  • Natural rubies contain authentic blood-red colors while lab-made rubies have pink, purple, or orange colors.
  • There is no processing in natural rubies whereas humans perform various methods to polish a lab-made ruby.

Which Ruby to Choose for An Engagement Ring? Real Ruby or Lab-Made Ruby

Ruby is the most beautiful gemstone of all. You can gift a ruby engagement ring to your fiancé or partner. However, many questions come to your mind when selecting a ruby ring for engagement such as types of ruby stones to select, cuts, shapes, and colors. 

  1. If you want the original blood-red color in jewelry, pick a natural ruby engagement ring. But if you want some variations in colors such as purple, orange, pink, or other shades, pick lab-made ruby stones.
  2. If you have a high budget and want a superior-grade ruby ring, pick a natural ruby stone for the engagement ring. If you are gifting for a birthday, Valentine’s Day, or marriage anniversary, the lab-made rubies look fine on the ring.
  3. If you are a person who wants high-quality ruby jewelry, select natural rubies for engagement rings. Synthetic rubies are not high-quality like natural ruby. But you can get a colorful engagement ring or pendant by choosing synthetic ruby stones.
  4. Value of a natural ruby is more than synthetic rubies. So, if you are ready to pay the high price, pick a ring with natural rubies to make your better half feel special.
  5. Natural rubies look great on wedding or engagement rings. On the other hand, you can pick synthetic rubies for a necklace, pendant, or earrings.

Final Words

Both natural and lab-made rubies have their own specialties. It depends on the customers when it comes to buying a natural ruby or lab-made ruby ring. You have to consider different factors such as value, quality, color, carat weight, size, and properties before buying a ruby engagement ring. You may ask your jeweler before buying a ruby engagement ring.  

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