
Must-Have Elements For Your Cannabis Grow


Cannabis cultivation requires a catalog of elements to support a successful harvest. Starting from good soil, a few factors that determine the quantity and quality of your harvest are optimum temperature conditions, humidity levels, controlled light exposures based on the plant’s maturity. Moreover, cleanliness of the growing area is also vital to curb pest infestations, proper water levels to support nutrient transfer, balanced soil pH to support water absorption, appropriate pruning, and grooming.

One other prominent factor that influences the health and wellness of a cannabis plant is exposure to life and growth elements. They provide nutrition for the growth and maturity of a plant. Here we will discuss the essential details critical for cannabis growth. Take Runtz strain for example. Runtz has become a popular choice for cannabis cultivators, thanks to its ability to thrive in warm and dry environments. During the flowering stage, Runtz typically requires an equal balance of 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness each day to promote optimal growth and development.

The Life Essentials

A healthy cannabis plant requires a well-balanced portion of all essential elements. You choose from a wide variety of strains grown with optimal exposure to all necessary elements or check koi delta 8 gummies review that make them potent. 

The three life elements that influence the foundation of cannabis growth are Oxygen, Carbon, and Hydrogen. Oxygen and Hydrogen are present as water and enter the plant via the root system. They aid in moving other elements around the plant body. Carbon, in the form of carbon dioxide, is available in ample quantities in the environment. Increased concentrations of the compound can speed up growth and ensure a large yield of weed. 

The Macro and Micro Elements For Cannabis Growth

Feeding your cannabis plant is a fine art. Identifying and creating a matrix of essential and complementary nutrients in the correct quantity depending on the plant growth stage is crucial for good health and growth. 

All cannabis plants need a set of 14 necessary elements presented as fertilizers or supplements. These include macronutrients typically offered in large quantities and micronutrients that are available relatively in lower concentrations. Each of them contributes to the physical structure and functioning of the plant.  

Macro Elements 

The Basics – NPK 

Starting with the essential macronutrients, we have the three crucial elements of most fertilizers – NPK or Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Growers can use a ratio of 2:1:1 during the growth phase and shift this to 1:2:2 during flowering based on the strain requirements. 


Nitrogen availability during the vegetative stage of a plant is crucial to ensure proper growth and development. The element is involved in converting UV rays from sunlight to energy through photosynthesis. It also supports ATP production that influences controlled usage of stored energy. In addition, nitrogen contributes to amino acid synthesis that forms the building blocks of the plant. In the absence of the element, the plants would become weak. 


From creating a strong root system to increasing the potency of the buds, phosphorus plays an essential role throughout the lifecycle of a cannabis plant. The element can ensure a strong delivery system for the nutrients to reach all parts of the plant. It can also increase the size and quantity of buds in a plant, thus making the yield more valuable.


Potassium also influences the bud quality and root system formation. In addition, the element is necessary for processing carbohydrates and salt within the plant. Potassium at the right level can strengthen nutrient and carbon dioxide availability to the plant by influencing ATP production and stomatal opening and closing. 


A set of secondary macronutrients also serve an essential purpose in cannabis growth. They include Calcium, Sulfur, and Magnesium. 


Calcium is a necessary element, especially during the blooming phase. It influences flower production by increasing plant health, especially at the growing tips. While calcium is usually well available for plants growing in soil, some soilless mediums such as coco coir could influence calcium absorption, leaving the plant deficient in the mineral.  


Terpenes of the cannabis plant contribute to the enriching flavors and aroma of the buds. Terpenoids work in unison with cannabinoids to influence health benefits from cannabis flowers. Therefore, supporting the proper production of terpenoids is essential to reap a potent yield. Sulfur is required by the plant for terpenoid production and flower growth. It also influences the ripening of cannabis buds. Therefore, ensuring necessary sulfur concentrations can lead to a worthy bud harvest at the end. 


Magnesium acts as the anchor in the chlorophyll molecule necessary for photosynthesis or energy production within the plant. In the absence of the element, the complete energy conversion from sunlight would be too low for the plant to survive. Magnesium also metabolizes glucose that is necessary for the plant to sustain and grow. Typically, supplementing the plant with a good ratio of calcium and magnesium, especially during the blooming phase, can help. The two elements enhance the functions of each other and balance the effects of large potassium feeds during this phase to boost the potency. 

Micro Elements 


A hint of micronutrients is essential to ensure your crop grows to its full potential. Of the eight micronutrients, Iron and Zinc are most important for new cannabis growers. 


Iron finds critical application in soil-less growth mediums such as hydroponics. The element catalyzes the metabolic activities of the plant. It enables recovery from damage caused by heat, stress, pests. Iron is necessary to ensure that the plant heals quickly before the damage starts to affect the potency of the buds. 


Zinc acts as a growth regulator for cannabis. The element ensures optimum grow sites for the buds. However, low concentrations of zinc can cause the death of growth tips, thus reducing the yield. 


A few other micronutrients required to ensure healthy growth include 

  • Molybdenum
  • Chlorine 
  • Copper 
  • Boron 
  • Manganese
  • Silicone

They influence the metabolic activity of the plant and should thus be available in the required quantities. Nickel is a recent addition to this list that can also improve cannabis health for better yield. 


The right cocktail of elements can encourage the healthy and profitable growth of your cannabis plant. Developing an intuitive relationship with your plant helps to assess the various changes that indicate a nutrient deficiency. This way, you can feed your plant just the appropriate nutrients whenever required to ensure happy growth and yield.

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