
Marc Perry’s Fitness Journey: How a Lacrosse Player Became a Fitness Guru

Marc Perry

Are you a busy professional in your 40s or 50s craving a fit and healthy body but can’t find time to hit the gym? Well, buckle up because we’ve got a motivating story that’ll light that fire under your belly! Meet Marc Perry – a financial analyst turned fitness expert who proved that a demanding job doesn’t have to stand in the way of achieving your fitness goals. With a determined spirit and hard work, Marc transformed his overweight body into a lean and fit one. So, get ready to be inspired by Marc’s journey from number-crunching to ab-crunching, and know that you, too, can turn your fitness dreams into a reality!

From the High Level of Fitness to the Abyss of Weight Gain

From a young age, Marc developed a passion for fitness that was as strong as his muscles. He dedicated himself to rigorous workouts, starting with body exercises at the tender age of 12 and progressing to weightlifting at 16. As Yale’s Division I lacrosse player, Marc attained peak physical form.

However, after college, Marc’s fitness journey hit a major roadblock. His job in the hedge fund industry as a financial analyst led him to gain over 30 lbs, bringing his weight to a hefty 200 lbs. Long hours of sitting in front of a computer and consuming large portions of food, and imbibing three nights a week took a toll on his physique. To make matters worse, he began to suffer from frequent bouts of low back pain. Faced with this predicament, he knew he had to take action to reclaim his athletic appearance, despite being a desk jockey.

How Marc Perry Lost 30 Pounds and Transformed His Body

Marc’s quest for his dream body began with crash dieting and intense workouts, aiming to burn as many calories as possible while consuming as few. However, this strategy proved counterproductive as his body was starved during the day, leading to binge eating at night. Despite his initial setbacks, Marc didn’t give up on his goal. He realized that he needed to adopt a more sustainable approach. With proper nutrition and efficient workouts, Marc’s body wholly transformed within a few months, shedding off all the stubborn fat holding him back.

Leaving a Full-Fledged Career in Finance to Become a Fitness Expert

Marc Perry’s transformation inspired him to help other busy professionals transform their bodies, and he combined his love of fitness, entrepreneurship, and helping others to create BuiltLean. After gaining 30lbs+  and losing it all in his finance career, his transformation gave him the courage to leave his job to start his own personal training and nutrition counseling practice. He then founded after a year, attracting over a million visitors.

Achieve Your Fitness Goals With BuiltLean

BuiltLean® developed by fitness expert Marc Perry, offers a comprehensive 12-week body transformation program to help you shed excess weight and build muscle. You can transform your body and boost your confidence with workouts, nutrition guidance, and personalized coaching. This revolutionary program is designed to help you burn fat and build strength with maximum efficiency. If Marc Perry can transform his body with three weekly workouts and clean eating, why can’t you?

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