Celebrity Lifestyle

Interviewing Josh King Madrid, an entrepreneur, marketing specialist, and founder of Team Jet Set

Josh King Madrid @Jetsetfly was asked: What is your “backstory”? He says that the goal in his life is to inspire an international movement of millennials to follow ambitions and break out the bad habits.” To that, the well-known entrepreneur answered that he started off just like any other normal kid who had huge ambitions. In middle school, he used to get in trouble for talking a lot and was always scolded for living in an “imaginary world.” But he didn’t regret it as he proudly says how he is one of the few who actually executed the imaginative stories instead of just fantasizing about an easy life.

Everything started with a goal

Instagram Jetsetfly has stated how it was his initial goal to make all of these dreams happen by taking the guaranteed route to wealth and also, at a point, he took up the idea of becoming a physician like his father but fast forward to his freshmen year of college at UC Irvine when he had acquired 1.1 GPA, and he realized he had no passion for medicine at all. What he feels passionate about instead is the “marketing” factor as his vehicle to pursue that passion and provide real value to others. Consequently, he chose to drop out of UC Irvine after 4 months, after he netted his first $30K per month to pursue full-time entrepreneurship online.

Making his company stand out

E-Commerce Jetsetfly stated that With Ecommerce, he has done over a year of market research finding strengths and faults inside the e-commerce and internet marketing industry. Also, he stated how he paid importance to customer feedback from all the other software and platforms so that it could be easier for him to figure out what his target audience disliked from competitors. He didn’t go with creating a platform as a good fit for the market; rather, what he focused on was creating a platform in the consumer’s best interest with no need to sell any products; rather, the products would sell themselves. That’s what is termed “trend hacking.”

Excomm Jetsetfly further mentioned that he used his success in business to co-found and build Team Jet Set, which today serves as a personal & business development media company to inspire an international movement of millennials to follow their ambitions. Team Jet Set consists of influential young entrepreneurs and publishes free content, like blog articles and video content. Also, as a team, they share business tips and inspiration on social media. A collective audience online of over half a million individuals has also ignited the minds of people interested in entrepreneurship.

Final words

JetSetFly has been growing himself and his business and has been keeping on looking for people to work with who possess the necessary skill sets and are also looking forward to exploring more. Also, he is looking for a team that is committed to the same principles in life and work as that of his.

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