
Importance of Paying Attention in the Class

Importance of Paying Attention in the Class

Learning is not that easy as it seems to some people, it is very technical and it can’t happen just like that. Students have to focus a lot on their subject and methods of learning if they wish to earn good marks and make a good career out of this learning. Students do study at home and 24×7 but still they are tangled in some particular subjects and yet they don’t understand the reason behind it. The real reason behind weak performances of the students in the class is lack of attention from them in the class when the tutor teaches. Well, we can’t say that students are always responsible for that because sometimes some lecturers teach in a very boring way which makes students either sleepy or students lose their interest in teaching that tutor and sometimes the learning environment is also responsible. For example, schools also have opted for some innovative tools like ERP (enterprise resource planning) and LMS (learning management system) to help the students in order to make students learning effective and help them in paying attention in the class. The importance of attention in learning cannot be neglected as it is the key to feeding the most of the information in the mind for the long-term time period. So, let’s understand the benefits and importance of paying attention in the class.

When someone tries to pay attention to something then he/she uses his/her mental power as effectively as possible for him/her. Paying attention in the class is beneficial for the tutor and learner both because when a learner pays attention on the topics and facts tutors teach in the class then it becomes effective teaching and learning combination because due to learner’s full attention tutors don’t have to worry that they will have to repeat again and again the topic and its contents. On the contrary there are some side effects also of not paying attention in the class like when students don’t pay attention to what the tutor teaches in the class then the facts and information goes to only sensory memory and also gets erased before it reaches the long-term memory in the mind. Therefore, here it is clear that attention enhances the memory. It is proved in many studies that not only academics but learning any skill or any subject requires deep attention because paying attention while anything is being taught is like typing correctly on typewriter getting the message printed clearly and properly on the paper as result, so when while learning anything, one pays attention then he does not require for revision much. It is just like if any student uses the tools LMS and ERP for their studies in online education then they don’t need much assistance. 

When students are taught anything, any subject or are given instructions about anything then it is necessary for them to pay attention because it leads them to a deep and grave understanding about that topic, art or method to a particular job and thus it builds interest of the student in that particular subject or topic or field. It all revolves around the understanding and understanding comes when we pay attention to the things not only in order to learn only but also handle the things carefully and successfully. Most importantly one focuses his or her attention on what is being taught in the class by the tutor then this saves energy and time of both tutor and learner because being un attentive students will ask again and again which wastes tutor’s and learners both of their time and energy and tutor gets irritated too and tries to escape helping such careless students in future. It is also not good for the whole class because such students keep asking to repeat the topics again and again which decreases the speed of the teaching and learning process. 

In order to achieve the desired goals and decide benchmarks in the academics and personal life it is necessary for the students to focus their attention so as to opt correct methods to achieve the goals. Attention makes students opt for the correct path to achieve what they want, therefore, we can say that paying attention is the key to success and achievement. 

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