
How To Test A Motherboard CCgadget


Checking the status of the motherboard with problems is sometimes painful and complicated because this hardware component has many sub-components, such as RAM memory socket, PCI-Express port, USB … In this article we will show you Are going to teach you how. Check for yourself if there are any problems with your motherboard, so that you know if they have a solution or if you must change your motherboard.

You should keep in mind that when problems occur with hardware components such as the motherboard, sometimes this does not mean that we have to replace it completely. For example, a motherboard may have a faulty PCI-Express socket but others work fine, and so can a RAM socket. CCGadget, an online review site for PC hardware, reviews and researches the best components for gaming computers. We cover everything, including motherboards, processors, graphics cards, and RAMs as well as power supplies.

The same thing happens with other hardware components. For example, having problems with RAM memory may be a sign that the module itself is faulty, but also that the problem comes from the motherboard socket. The important thing is that you know where the problem is, to fix it, whatever you touch (and sometimes you have no choice but to change the motherboard, obviously).

Check the PCI-Express socket.

As we mentioned earlier, it is sometimes difficult to determine if there is a problem with the graphics card or the PCI-Express socket to which it is connected. First you need to update your graphics card drivers or reinstall with a clean install to eliminate software issues.

If you are still having problems, be able to replace your PCI-Express socket graphics card to see if the same problem occurs again. If you’re having trouble replacing slots, you’ll know that this is the same slot you used to have that doesn’t work properly anymore, but the problem is if you keep them. May be in your graphics card.

As a last resort, you can also update your motherboard BIOS. If the problem persists, you will almost certainly need to find an alternative as there is a strong possibility that there is a physical problem with the motherboard that is not working.

Problems with USB ports on motherboard

Similarly, peripherals such as a mouse or keyboard can begin to fail, and the fact that they do so may be a sign of the device itself or the USB ports to which we have connected them. If this is your case, you should try to connect the peripheral to a different USB to get started, and if possible do not connect it to another “block” (ie to the USB attached to it). , But better to see. If you have USB 2.0 and 3.0 on board, it is recommended to switch between them to see if there is a problem in the controller).

You can also go to Windows Device Manager (right-click on the Start button, Device Manager) and look under “Universal Serial Bus Controllers” to see if there is an exclamation mark on any of the ports. If so, right-click on it and click Update Driver to see if it fixes it.

In fact, even if there is no exclamation mark, you can still try to update the driver to make sure. The second option is to uninstall all the USB drivers and restart your computer. On boot, they will automatically reinstall themselves, and sometimes it can “revive” a device.

Check the RAM socket.

If you have a problem with RAM and your computer beeps strangely when you turn it on, slows down for no reason, or gives you a blue screen, chances are you need RAM Problem is, and again, that doesn’t mean it’s RAM. The module itself. Ram but the motherboard can be from the socket.

To check this, the ideal is to remove all RAM modules (with the PC turned off) and install only one of them. In general, and according to the manufacturer, the installer to check for RAM issues is module A1, but as we say, each board may be a different one, you have to consult manually.

This is also useful if you have crashed in IMC, which happens occasionally and people are not aware of this error, but this is how it is fixed.

If the problem persists, try the next socket and so on. If the problem persists after trying all of them, try performing the same operation but with a different RAM module.

Problems with motherboard video outputs

If none of the video outputs on the motherboard (DVI, VGA, HDMI, DisplayPort …) work, remember that they are disabled by default when you have a dedicated graphics card installed , So if you need to check them, first you have to uninstall the graph.

If they are giving you problems even without dedicated graphics, the first thing you should do is try the other cables to see if there is a problem.


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