
How To Have Pets And A Clean House At The Same Time


What if we told you that it’s possible to have your cake and eat it too? Most people refuse to keep pets indoors due to fear of dirt, chaos and hygiene issues. In reality, pets (cats and dogs, for example) are clean animals. All animals have a sense of self-hygiene and love to live in clean and tidy places, just like us. Yes, you will need to accommodate them into your lifestyle, and some changes will happen. But the result is a fury friend and a clean apartment.

1. Act now

Pets will make a mess. The sooner you accept that, the better. However, disciplined they are, or no matter how much you train them, they will occasionally make a mess or have an accident. It happens, and you should not stress over it too much. What you should do is be proactive with your actions. As soon as any sign of hygiene risk appears, you have to clean it up immediately.

Let’s say you’ve bought your new furniture online and are enjoying your decision. But your pet has made a tiny mess. Rather than let it sit and stew, producing foul smells, you can clean it up right away. The sooner you clean something, the less work you have to do down the road.

2. Prepare supplies

You already have regular cleaning supplies for your apartment and any human hygiene, let’s call it that. But when your pet comes into the picture, your cleaning supplies must follow. What works for us humans does not apply to animals. Pets require pet-friendly hygiene products. Always go for eco-friendly and proven products that you’ve done some online research on. Pets can be allergic to some products or can dislike them. Some trial and error will happen when you are getting started and making your routine. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find that ideal product you and your pet will like. If you buy what’s best for you, apply the same logic to your pet.

3. Apply your principles to your pet

How often do you wash? Taking a shower, brushing your teeth, taking care of your ears and nails, etc, are all examples of how we groom and clean ourselves. When your pet smells bad or leaves behind odours, it’s because the pet’s hygiene is neglected. Think of it this way. Imagine not taking a shower for a week. You would positively reak of foul odours. Now you realise why your pet can sometimes smell and spread unpleasant odours.

Different animals require different treatments, frequencies and methods of keeping up with their hygiene demands. If you wish to deal with it most efficiently, outsource your needs to a professional and good service. Pet hygiene and salons are there to give your pets the best treatment possible, like the experienced and recommended Davidson Washroom aims to provide. When you opt for such services, you don’t have to buy hygiene supplies or share a bath with your pet, but have a hygiene day out!

4. Pet-friendly surfaces

Pets love to explore their surroundings. Once they get into your apartment or home, they will wish to find a special spot, one they can call their own. We all love to sleep with our pets while they lie on us, chill on the couch, and so on. No one likes taking care of hair, which inevitably comes as a byproduct of such activities. Especially during the winter times and months when pets naturally shed their hair.

To avoid this, you can do two things. The first one is to get a pet-friendly rug or a blanket, which will become a new defacto surface for them to lie on. Such elegant solutions will keep your sofas and beds free from hair, and both of you can enjoy each other’s presence. Plan B is to stock up on pet-hair gloves and duct tape or duct tape-like products. Wherever your pet goes you can brush the surfaces with a pet-hair glove to remove and scoop up the leftover hair. Or you can go for a different solution, and apply duct tape to the hair and get it out of the way in no time.

Cohabitation with animals is a wonderful experience and one of life’s greatest lessons. When we open our homes to pets, we welcome them into our hearths. In no time, they become part of our lives and find that special place, both in the apartment and in our souls. Any type of cohabitation comes with its fair share of challenges, be it with humans or animals. Taking that extra step towards making it possible and being mindful of your health is the recipe for success. Pets appreciate any type of love and affection we give them, and they will return it tenfold. The sooner you start taking care of both of your health, the better!

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