
How Important Is Gana in Kundli Match?

Kundli Match

Matchmaking is important in marriage. It shows if the couple is compatible with each other or not. In Hindu culture, Kundali matching is very significant. Therefore, the most important factor for kundli matching is Gana Koota. What are gana kootas, and how are they important in marriage? Continue reading to know the answer.

Gana Koota

A test of a wife and husband’s behavior matching is called Gana matching. The term “Gana” in “Gana Porutham” or “Gana Koota” refers to a person’s behavioral nature. In Vedic astrology, there are 3 distinct kinds of Ganas. Dev, Manav, and Rakshasa Gana.

An astrologer compares the kundlis of the girl and boy to identify their common characteristics.

Gana kootas are the main factor in kundli matching to identify similarities.

Kundali Matching consists of 36 Guna in total. The chance of compatibility between two people increases with the level of Guna matching between them. Therefore, to be a good match, the couples need to have 18 Guna. Let us know more about these Ganas.

Characteristics of Gana

Dev Gana

These individuals are the most supportive and kind-hearted. Most people find them to be adorable, caring, sensitive, etc. Moreover, these individuals are full of love and give support to everyone with the best motives.

Manav Gana

Manav Gana only has an interest in what is best for them. They are focused, positive, and dedicated to achieving their objective. Additionally, these are the brave, innovative members of society. 

Rakshasa Gana

These are the clever, cunning types of individuals. They will do everything it takes to achieve their goals. These individuals are difficult to trick, but they have little trouble fooling others. They will harm others without hesitation in order to benefit themselves. 

Identifying Gana

Dev Gana – Ashwini, Hasta, Punarvasu, Pushya, Mrigashirsha, Swati, Anuradha, Revati, and Shravan.

Manav Gana – Ardra, Rohini, Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashada, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha, Uttara Bhadrapada, and Purva Bhadrapada.

Rakshasa Gana – Magha, Ashlesha, Krittika, Chitra, Dhanishta, Jyeshta, Moola, Vishakha, and Shatabhisha.

Additionally, Individuals can identify their gana by using the above-given information.

8 Kootas

Varan (1 point) – In addition to their ego levels, this reveals the boy and girl’s spiritual compatibility. There are four divisions, including Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras.

Vashya ( 2 points) – In addition to calculating the power balance between married couples, it also shows mutual attraction and marital control.  

Tara ( 3 points) – It has to do with destiny and compatibility with birth stars. The number of birth stars is 27.

Yoni ( 4 points) – It measures the couple’s level of closeness, physical compatibility, and affection for one another.

Graha Maitri ( 5 points) – It displays a natural relationship and mental attraction. It also shows how compatible a couple’s moon sign is.

Gana (6 points) – It has to do with personality and behavior.

Rashi or Bhakoot ( 7 points) – It has to do with a couple’s love and emotional compatibility.

Nadi (8 points) – It is connected to genetics and health

What Impact Does Gana Have During Kundali Matching?

Partner’s connection can still be improved if the Gana compatibility is compatible, no matter what Nakshatra partners are with. Check out the details below for more information.

  • There is good Gana compatibility when the moons of the wife and husband are in Deva Gana and Manav Gana, respectively.
  • Additionally, the compatibility between the wife and husband is excellent if they share a similar birth star or Nakshatra.
  • When the bride has a Manav Gana and the husband has a Dev Gana, their Gana compatibility is in the middle.

Types of Incompatibility

There will be no compatibility if:-

  • A girl has a Manushya Gana and a Rakshasha Gana with her partner.
  • If a female has a Rakshasa Gana and a boy has a Manushya Gana.
  • when a female has the Rakshasa Gana and a Dev Gana with a boy.
  • A female has a Dev Gana and a Rakshasha Gana with a boy.


In simple terms, it’s all about Kundali and Gana compatibility. It is considered that the wife and the husband are an ideal match when they share a common Gana for the nakshatra. However, there is no match with Rakshasa Gana’s members. Nevertheless, They can only match Rakshasha Gana. 


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