
How Heavy Is A Jersey Barrier?

How Heavy Is A Jersey Barrier?

Jersey concrete barriers are one of the mostly used blocks these days. That’s only because of the great features they offer and cost-effective prices. They are less expensive than other types of blocks don’t mean they cannot made with quality materials. In fact, they are strong enough and made with proper care & quality materials.

Typically – jersey barriers weigh 3,000 to 4,000 Ibs on average depending upon the size (length and width). Meanwhile, different manufacturers make these blocks in different sizes and that’s what increase or decrease the sizes. It has been said you should always get heavy weight jersey concrete barriers.

According to the engineers, heavy weight jersey barriers are always more durable than lower weight ones. If we talk about the materials used in making these blocks which are actually the reasons behind their longer durability, they include steel-reinforced concrete and aggregates.

Let’s check out more about jersey concrete barriers, their uses and benefits.

Jersey Barriers – Essential Benefits and Uses

Jersey concrete barriers were introduced to the world back in 1950s for the first time by the Stevens Institute of Technology Engineers. Firstly, they were used to protect workers working on the road.

And yes, they are also called Jersey because they were introduced in this state. Jersey is a popular state of USA where dozens of concrete manufacturing companies are still working.

But most of them has now shifted to United Kingdom because of greater facilities there. Below, we have shared some of the most essential features of these barriers you can check out and see whether you should get them.

  • You can restrict the access of public from any place or allow special access. Most commonly, these barriers can be used outside hospitals, institutes and buildings.
  • You can separate lanes between roads and ensure the proper trading running without any jam.
  • With these barriers, you can prevent vehicles collision
  • You can implement boundaries. For example, if you have a garden, you can make boundary walls.

And yes, lots of more uses & benefits you can get from these barriers depending upon your situation. But still, if you wanted to get more information about these barriers you can contact PPC Concrete Products

It’s the concrete blocks manufacturing company which deals with all types of blocks, especially jersey barriers. Here’s more about them below.

PPC Concrete Products – Get Jersey Concrete Barriers Today

We spotted the company because of the great features they exhibit and higher approach. And you know what? They don’t compromise on quality anyway. It wouldn’t be wrong to say, it’s the thing they are famous for and authorized among people.

You can visit the website and see how legit companies are appreciating them. And yes, you can discuss all your projects with them and get better suggestions. Excitingly, you also don’t need to pay higher amounts because they have introduced a flexible pricing structure.

Aren’t all the features enough to make them your prioritized choice to get concrete products for your construction projects?

Leave your kind opinions quickly inside the comment box below.

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