Taurus endures the heat because he likes the sea, and the beach, but to be on the move, to surf, paddle surf, play with paddles, with the ball, he likes to bask in the sun on a boat and on a jet ski. He puts up with it perfectly, but once the activity is over, he secludes himself in a comfortable shaded beach bar or restaurant with A/C.
How does Gemini handle the heat?
Gemini bears heat and sun very well. Umbrellas don’t exist for him. He considers the sun to be positive energy, a gift from God and he loves basking in the sun, bathing, swimming, doing some water sports… To return to lie down on the towel to doze. Of course, he drinks a lot of water, so as not to get dehydrated, because he takes great care of his health.
How can cancer handle the heat?
Cancer can’t stand the heat. He does not like to sunbathe bare-chested. He is not particularly interested. She likes to be taken by boat and the sun catches there, in passing. Then, France Lotto Results in he likes the beach, to get under an umbrella, well protected by sunscreens and a comfortable chair, a good book and to relax.
How can Leo handle the heat?
Leo can’t stand the heat. He sunbathes because he likes to be handsome and dark, but he can’t last more than 30 minutes. A bathroom and on the other side, a bathroom and under the umbrella. For Leo, the umbrella is essential, to be able to protect himself, when he has already received his bearable dose of sun. Of course, if he goes to a beach bar, he will look for it with A/A. He likes water sports, walking on the beach, but cooling off.
How does Virgo handle the heat?
Virgo can’t stand the heat . If he goes to the beach or pool, always with an umbrella to protect himself from the sun. He considers that a good chair and a good book in the shade is the best. They bathe, but they are not interested in basking in the sun. They are bothered by the heat, the sun and they are not very interested in being tanned. The tan they catch is doing sports: tennis, hiking, cycling… Land sports.
How does Libra handle the heat?
Libra endures the sun, the heat and whatever it takes. She is very flirtatious and she wants to be brunette. Of course, she will bear all the sun that is needed. Water or land sports do not interest her too much, but she loves being taken on a yacht and being on deck with a drink in hand. Libra will be fashionable at all times and she will tan to be as attractive as possible.
How can Scorpio handle the heat?
Scorpio is very resistant to heat and sun. They love to spend hours and hours tanning. They could even fall asleep in the sun, no matter how hot it is. They spend the day back and forth. Uk49s Predictions If they are offered a football or handball game, they sign up, to get in shape, tan and lie down in the sun again.
How does Sagittarius handle the heat?
Sagittarius can stand the heat a lot , they can spend many hours walking and doing sports in the sun. He is an adventurer and is psyched up for inclement weather. It is true that if he goes to the beach, he will have to do some sports or run along the shore, because he is still for a long time, he cannot be.
How does Capricorn handle the heat?
Capricorn can’t stand the heat. It is very comfortable and sweating makes you uncomfortable. He likes to get some sun, but only a little. If he goes to the beach, he does not stop going in and out, to cool off. Finally, 1 hour. beach is enough. Playing sports, in summer with the heat, is not what most attracts him. Lying down in the shade to chat with a drink or a soft drink in hand is ideal, for him
How Aquarius endures the heat
Aquarius withstands heat well. For him, summer is a pleasure and he is not lazy to move and play sports in the heat. I will go to the beach and sunbathe. He is able to spend all day on the beach, back and forth and in and out of the water.
How can you handle the heat Pisces?
Pisces endures the heat. He is in love with the beach, summer and sunbathing. Always with friends, of course. He likes to tan, to be more attractive. He loves to bathe in the sea. It is in the element of it. Even though it’s hot, he doesn’t mind exercising, especially outdoors.