Ever since the beginning of the industrial revolution decades ago, the sheer rate at which humankind has progressed is beyond comprehension. The past 15 years itself have seen an astronomical growth in the number of companies and industries worldwide.
The sheer rate at which these buildings are being established, especially in the developing, third world countries, has proven to be a gold mine for real estate agents around the globe.
Such a significant opportunity has brought with it its fair share of competition. In such a rat race of becoming the biggest real estate app development company, eveyrone is aware that one must be the best or afford to fall behind the rest.
Instead of pulling the shorter straw, one way has proven to be significantly helpful in standing out as the go-to real estate agency, and that is through email marketing.
What is an email marketing campaign, and how can I actively use it in the marketing plan?
Maintaining a professionally managed email marketing campaign is crucial to facilitating such a task and providing your real estate agency with the needed boost. Email marketing is the finest approach to attract the best possible prospects for your organization.
With most of the world having access to emails, it is the cheapest and most efficient way to spread your reach over a large array of potential clients.
In layman’s terms, an email marketing campaign is a series of emails your agency sends to attract potential customers.
Such a campaign primarily focuses on a target audience you select depending on certain criteria you lay down. Once selected, a series of emails are sent to these potential clients to draw them in with the hopes of them being regular customers.
Such a task might appear rather easy to do, like child’s play. Yet, we assure you that it is not.
Coming up with the perfect email marketing campaign is an extremely difficult undertaking that requires years of experience and significant knowledge.
Coming up with the perfect email marketing campaign for your real estate agent right from the get-go is an impossible reality.
Hence, to help you with the task, we always recommend hiring email marketing agency services.
What exactly is an email marketing agency?
An email marketing agency is a company that provides you with a skilled email marketing consultant who takes care of your entire email marketing campaign through his extensive skills and expertise.
Working with email marketing services can help you reap the benefits of email marketing. Allow their team of experts to plan, develop, manage, and maintain a customized email marketing strategy for your business, to save you both time and money.
How does having an efficient email marketing campaign benefit your real estate company?
Real estate agencies go hand in hand with email marketing campaigns. If executed well, as in the perfect email being sent to the right audience at the right time, email marketing campaigns can be revolutionary in providing your company with the boost it needs.
Studies have shown that approximately 63% of the clients that received such emails from real estate companies have successfully interacted with it. Which such great benefits, all for so cheap, why wouldn’t someone want to invest in email marketing campaigns?
Where do you go wrong?
The competition amongst realtors is devastatingly high. Even the slightest of slip-ups can prove detrimental to your company’s success in the bigger picture. Here, we list down certain mistakes real estate companies are prone to making and how you can avoid them in the long run:
Not having a scheduled email marketing campaign
Not having a proper schedule for your marketing campaign is one of the biggest mistakes companies make when developing a proper campaign. If your emails are not following a specific schedule, the emails sent will have no sense of intervals in between and will be haphazard.
We assure you that a real estate email blast is not what your clients expect on a Monday morning. Such an error will result in your client unsubscribing from your campaign and may cause them to mark you as spam!
Having a very Sales-heavy newsletter
Newsletters are a crucial part of your marketing campaign and are single-handedly responsible for creating a steady connection between you and your clients. If your newsletter comprises sales pitches, not only will it have a bad impression, but you will also lose those customers who otherwise would have been regulars to your company.
Lack of a good CTA
A good CTA or Call To Action is the most important feature of your email. After a day of house hunting or maybe after getting to know about your company through a referral, if your welcome email does not compromise a prominent and visible CTA, your clients will not be able to interact with your company and get to know your features and expertise. Hence, losing them in the process.
Finishing Up
Only through a well-framed and perfectly made email marketing campaign your real estate agency can attract possible prospects. Follow our article religiously to be the best real estate company in town! Don’t forget to get back to us for any questions or queries!