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Factors To Be Considered while Remote Video Production

Factors To Be Considered while Remote Video Production

Even as social distancing restrictions loosen around the world, the fact remains that remote filming has proven to be a better solution for such video productions during the recent global pandemic and has developed as a layout more in the last couple of months than anyone could have predicted prior to Covid 19.

The problem has compelled artistic and creative teams to go outside the box in order to generate excellent content even when individuals labor from home.

We wish to post a few of the ideas and tactics we’ve learned over this time with you.

Brief on Remote Video Production

When it comes to remote video production, your video production brief has never been more critical. With separate teams and everyone learning new procedures on the job, having a bullet-proof brief that clearly explains the specific objectives for the project is critical.

There are also other aspects to bear in mind when creating your brief, which is sometimes overlooked in more traditional techniques of video production.

Maintain Realistic Expectations

For remote video projects, having realistic expectations and giving space for mistakes is a good strategy. For example, if you are filming a video at home with a smartphone or webcam, make sure your stakeholders are aware that the video material you generated with an onsite professional film team and gear would seem different aesthetically.

Also, bear in mind that when contributors or talent use the recording equipment themselves, it typically takes longer to get it properly and requires more coaching to get the best out of them.

Examine Your Tools

First, ensure that your camera and microphone are operational. Most video calling systems allow you to test your equipment before joining the session when you start it.

  • Camera: Check that your device has a camera or webcam if the screen isn’t displaying your image. Don’t forget to remove the webcam cover if you have one, and make sure the camera feature isn’t being utilized by another program.

For filming with Slinky, your camera must be HD so that we can be certain that we are recording the highest quality image. When you start the call, there should be a setting to select HD recording.

  • Microphone: Make sure you’re not blowing straight into the microphone while you talk. If this happens, you’ll see that the input bar fills all the way to the top. This is especially prevalent when using a USB headset, so angle the microphone away from your lips until the average audio levels peak around halfway up the bar.


Pre-planning is essential for the successful operation of your manufacturing. Always refer to your project’s script or plan and ensure that everything is ready at your filming site. For example, if you’re giving your contributor or performer a piece of equipment to film with, make sure you include all of the necessary supplies, such as batteries, adaptors, and manuals.

Prepare your venue

Using numerous settings when recording interviews, mini-docs, process films, and creative projects can boost your production value and provide context and diversity to the viewer. However, much interesting material may be created in an office, studio, or at home.

A prime filmmaking site, regardless of where you’re shooting, should have:

  • In front of you, there is a huge window or light source.
  • A calm atmosphere is required for clear audio.
  • Options for configuring your camera at eye level
  • A neat background with little distractions

Appropriate Clothing

 Dress appropriately for your company/workplace. If you have them, company-branded clothing is a smart idea. Third-party branding, as well as bright/bold patterns and colors, should be avoided wherever feasible.

Remove Distractions

Turn off your cell phone and computer notifications. Remove any other distractions from your environment; even pencils, which you may begin to tap without realizing, might cause problems! This ensures that your audio is useable and reduces the number of retakes necessary. We also recommend selecting a chair that will not rock/spin and, if required, clearing your workspace.

So there are some pointers, tactics, and ideas for approaching remote video productions and home video recording. By implementing strong communication techniques and accessible processes into your remote projects, you will be able to produce high-quality content that will help you to stay connected to your viewers even if your team is geographically separated.

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