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Do You Recognize the 4 Warning Signs of Problematic Residential Access Control Systems?


Residential access control systems are crucial for ensuring security in communities and neighborhoods. They control the entry and exit of individuals on the premises and provide peace of mind to residents. However, like any other system, residential access control systems require maintenance to maintain good working order. If you notice any of the following warning signs, it may be time to consider upgrading your system or replace your residential access control system.

  • Your Residential Access Control is a Maintenance Challenge?

Do residents experience difficulties with accessing doors and gates? Are access control panels frequently malfunctioning? Are fobs and transponders denying access when they should be granting it? For example, you may scan keycards multiple times before gaining entry, or an alarm may go off without a valid trigger. Additionally, access events need to be recorded to ensure accurate reports. These are clear signs that your system may need to be updated.

To enhance the security in your community, consider a cloud-based residential access control system. High-quality solutions are frequently updated with new software releases and work with dependable hardware. So, this can minimize errors and improve security, reducing unauthorized entries and enhancing reporting.

  • Your Residential Access Control Doesn’t Work with Other Security Systems 

Do you manage multiple security systems to protect your community? For example, do you manage visitor and resident access through different systems? Are vendors added to a spreadsheet and given a universal fob to access facilities for maintenance purposes? If you feel overwhelmed managing these systems, it’s a sign that you’re running too many separate systems, and your data is likely disorganized.

Modern security systems can be integrated with your existing security infrastructure and consolidated into one platform. So, this way, you can access the surveillance system and work together as a unit for your residents’ peace of mind.

  • Your Residential Access Control is Not Cloud-Based. Do you still use a logbook for visitors to write down their names? 

Do you have to lock all access points every time manually? Are you relying on on-site staff to monitor the perimeter, internal gates, and doors? If you answered yes to these questions, your residential gate access control is not cloud-based, and it’s time for an upgrade.

Cloud-based access control systems are the latest technology in security. With the ability to access all security features from your computer, tablet, or mobile device, you can lock all access points with just one tap, monitor your community in real-time, retrieve data, and run reports from anywhere with internet access. And you won’t have to worry about updating the system. So it will be taken care of by your security solutions provider.

  • Your Security Systems are Not Scalable and Centralized 

So, dodo you manage multiple buildings or communities, each with its security system or login? With a centralized system, such as propertyiq, you can manage multiple organizations through one administrative dashboard. You can monitor all hardware and add credentials, residents, vehicles, and more, from a single login across your entire property portfolio.


Next Steps 

Lastly, Now that you’re aware of the warning signs of problematic residential gate access control systems, your next step is to reach out to a security solutions provider that offers innovative cloud-based security solutions for communities and can help improve safety, efficiency, and productivity. 

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