
Company Names, Domain Names, And Registered Trademarks

Company Names, Domain Names, And Registered Trademarks

Making a new start in the field of business and development there are so many technical pieces of information and data that you need to know. When moving towards the cheapest business setup one must know the dos and don’ts with regards to their respective industry.

To make a fresh start a business proprietor needs to understand some important business elements like the name of the business company, domain name, and trademark. The company will have a facility for logo registration in UAE to make its brand recognized and authentic. Let us discuss the three terminologies and their concepts for establishing a new business.

Name of business company

To make sure your organization and business entity become publicized and recognized as a registered business company we need to apply for the name of the business company in the respective industry or field. There are different states of business companies that belong to the specific type but are not limited to these.

  1. Business corporations
  2. Limited partnership
  3. Limited liability company

There are different ways to name the business company with these terms to eep them differentiate from other types. The business corporations are generally recognized by “Inc.” with the company name. The limited liability partnership company has an “LLP” along with the business entity name to differentiate the type. A limited liability company is referred to as an “LLC” for its identification. These names are essential to use in the brand or company marketing and advertisement campaigns.

Domain names

For online business companies and brands that have a digital presence, there is a need to have a proper website address with the recognized domain name along with the extensions such as .com, .org, .net, and many others. Before you finalize the name of your website domain you need to make sure the relevant name in the desired extension is available or not. In some cases, your selected domain name with the extension is already in use for another brand.

Establishing the cheapest business setup refers to the online stores or digital service providing company etc. You need to make sure that your online presence must be unique and contemporary to meet the needs of modern trends and demands. After selecting the desired domain name, you need to register it on the online servers.


In order to keep your services and products distinguished from other competitors, you need to register your trademark for the logo registration in UAE, symbols, or slogan registration. The registered trademarks are the right of the owner to use them for their company or brand. These trademarks will keep the business protected and safe from misuse and help to make brand recognition in the relative industry. All you need to do is use the trademark under legal terms and enforce it positively. If another brand or company uses your registered trademark, you can approach for legal actions against the infringement.


To ensure positive results and increased brand awareness while having the cheapest business setup, one must follow the important elements regarding business protection. The use of proper domain names that no one has previously used, the unique name of your company, and logo registration in UAE are the basic components of a successful business startup.

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