
Best And Luxury Bride’s Maid Bracelets

Consignment offers the incentive of a higher price when sold but the drawback of time. No one knows how long it will take or even if it will sell. The stores that offer consignment range from second hand bargain stores to elite jewelry stores. The type of jewelry you have dictates which store will attempt to sell your Jewelry. If you have a high-end piece in excellent condition, the elite location could yield a fine return.

Consignment generally consists of a contract for the amount the Jewelry will sell for and the percentage the store will keep. Some contracts have a time limit and who is liable if it is lost or damaged. You must know the details of the contract to understand what will and will not happen. Some stores will pay immediately, others pay after a set time or when you call. Find out what the process is if the store closes or moves. Many people have lost track of their bridesmaid bracelets altogether. Understand what the store’s liabilities are and yours. Also, find out how the store is going to sell your Jewelry. If they will advertise it or just let it sit in a showcase. Make frequent contacts to keep your Jewelry in the mind of the salespeople.

Newspapers offer individuals the best chance to sell to a retail customer. The classified shopping consumer, in all likelihood, comparison shops more than anyone else. They know the prices of your Jewelry new and will pay a discount for a used article of Jewelry. Also realize that the prices asked for in the paper are rarely achieved and do not reveal the true market value. Sometimes the Jewelry is sold for very much less than advertised or never sold at all. But with some safeguards and timing the classified ad is generally one of the highest prices realized for average jewelry.

The retail customer is the highest price you could receive for your bridal bracelets. The newspaper is one of many ways to reach the buying public with your message to sell. Public bulletin boards offer an inexpensive way to reach people. Look in your community or work place for bulletin boards. On line bulletin boards could also work out if you find the right one. Net working with friends and family might give a lead to someone willing to buy. Creativity is a powerful tool in reaching the public. Use your imagination and think who would be willing to buy my particular jewelry and reach out to them.

Safeguards are critical when selling Jewelry to the public. First NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, and NEVER meet an unknown buyer in your house. Personal safety and protection against robbery should be your first priority. If you don’t have a way to meet the potential buyer at a public place, then do not sell your Jewelry to the general public. Meet the buyer in a public place like a restaurant or shopping mall. I suggest the buyer’s bank, because if they wish to buy the Jewelry, they can go and get the cash now and finish the transaction. In addition, the bank should have some security if something goes bad.

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