
How To Add Blogging Experience To Your Resume The Right Way

You must be looking for a job and you are a blogger. Isn’t that right?

Looking for a job is not an easy task. It takes a lot of effort while you are looking for a job. You will be applying at a lot of places and you will be facing a lot of rejection while applying for jobs. Especially when you are getting your first job and you are new.

The selling point while applying for jobs is the addition of your skills. If you are a blogger it is going to benefit you.

The recruiter will judge be able to judge and analyze your behavior through your writing. The recruiter will analyze the following aspects:

  • The recruiter will know about your communication skills
  • The way you answer questions in a tricky and attractive way.
  •  The recruiter is also going to analyze your presenting skills through your writing.
  • Analyzing your personality.
  • Analyzing your writing skills.
  • Whether you have presented well the niche you are writing for.

Adding a blog to your resume will help you in getting a call for an interview.

The question is how to add Blogging experience to your resume the right way?

We will be helping you and guiding you on this subject. Some of the tips are:

Is the Blog a good fit?

You should never forcefully add something to your resume. Especially a blog which is going to present so many of your skills. The blog should match the standards of the job you are applying for. The following aspect should be there in the blog:

  • It should be relevant to the job you are applying for.
  • It should be professional. You are not going to be considered for an interview if the Blog is unprofessional a poorly written.  

Mention your Blog in the relevant section of your resume:

If your blog is a good fit and it complements the job you are applying for, then mention it in the relevant section of your resume. Mention the blog in the “Experience” section. You cannot just write that you do blogs. Give yourself a proper job title like Content Writer, Digital Publisher, Digital Marketing Blogger, etc. Make sure to write the dates of when you started to write blogs and for whom you have been writing these blogs.

Give a Hyperlink to your blog on your resume. It is going to make it easier for the recruiter to read it and analyze your skills and personality.

Mention the skills you have learned from blogging:

When you are writing in the skills section of the resume, make sure to write the skills that match with the blogs. Mention skills like:

  • Marketing: A blogger markets services and products of various brands through their writing. They market their writing skills and attract an audience.
  • Analyzing Target Audience: Bloggers know their audience. They have the skill of analyzing target audiences and writing content which related to them and solves their queries.
  • Researching: A blogger does proper research on their subject before writing about it.
  • Communication: A blogger knows how to communicate and connect with the audience.
  • Presentation: A blogger knows how to present their point of view and answer the queries in a presentable, organized, and subtle way.
  • Designing: A blogger knows design and aesthetics as they sometimes add photos, videos, and gifs to their blogs. They know how to utilize designing tactics to keep the audience engaged.

These are the skills that a blogger learns from blogging and they are going to be visible through the blog you will be linking in your resume.

Mention Statistics:

Mention the traffic generated, clicks, social media engagement, and other relevant numbers related to your blogs. This is going to improve the credibility of your blog. These stats are going to prove the skills you have mentioned.

Writing a perfect CV or Resume is not everyone’s cup of tea. Everything has a different format. If you are a blog writer it is not necessary that you can also write a perfect CV or Resume. To perfectly incorporate your blogging experience into your CV or resume take the online CV writing service Dubai or resume writing services from professionals in UAE. CV Writing Service Dubai from experts UAE is going to perfectly display your blog and your skills. You will get the call for an interview.

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