
Know Right On Maintenance of child under Muslim law

Maintenance of Child in Pakistan:

Maintenance of child in Pakistan by parents is compulsory in all cases, except where the child is grown up or is without proper care and maintenance because of the misconduct of the parents. The Child Maintenance Law in Pakistan is Very Clear and Simple. Now Choose Our Lawyer for Maintenance of child under Muslim law. In such cases the child is considered to be self-sufficient and not in need of maintenance. Child Support or Child Maintenance Amount is a monthly amount that the non-custodial parent is required to pay to the custodial parent.

Maintenance of Child Amount in Pakistan:

Child Maintenance Amount in Pakistan (CMAP) is the amount of money which a parent is obligated to pay in order to maintain the child.  This amount is decided after taking into consideration the expenses of a child from birth to the age of eighteen.

Maintenance Right:

Maintenance is not a right of the child, but a right of the parent and that too, of the mother. The courts do not determine the amount of maintenance and the duration for which it is to be paid. It is for the parent to decide this. The courts merely decide if the decision is according to the law.

Parents Obligation:

Parents have the obligation to look after their child.  They must provide for their child and give them a home.  A home can be provided in different ways.  In Pakistan child maintenance law is governed by the Pakistan’s Child Act. Parental responsibilities define who is responsible for the financial care of a child as well as the time and quality of physical care. There are four different types of parents:

Children Future:

Children are the future of the nation hence it is extremely essential to take care of them properly. A child is the gift of *** and it is the responsibility of the parents to take care of them properly and make them a good citizen of the country. Child maintenance is the basic need of a child and the parent is responsible for it. If the parents are not giving the required maintenance to their child, then it becomes necessary for them to take the help of Child Maintenance Agency for the children. There are thousands of people in Pakistan who are facing this problem of maintenance for their children and are not concerned about their future. These agencies help people to get their child maintenance legally.

Order under Maintenance Act:

The court shall, at the time of passing any order under this Act, order the father to make payment of maintenance of such sum as the court may consider reasonable, to the mother of such child or children as the case may be, for the maintenance of such child or children, till she remarries or for such period which may be specified by the court in that behalf, at the time of passing such order.

Parents Agree On a Child Maintenance:

The law in Pakistan allows parents to agree on a child & Wife maintenance. If this is the case, then parents can reach an agreement on child maintenance by negotiation or by court order. If the parents cannot agree on an amount then according to the law of Pakistan the father will be responsible for paying the minimum child maintenance. The amount of minimum maintenance is as follows:

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