
60% of Engineering Graduates Unemployed

Engineering Graduates Unemployed

According to the All India Survey of Higher Education (AISHE), engineering is the fourth most popular field of study in 2019. Approximately 38.52 million students enrol in it at institutions across India. Despite four years of intensive training, the employability of these graduates is extremely low. Read this to understand how many mechanical engineers are unemployed in India.

Let’s decipher the causes of this high unemployment rate among engineers.

Why are Indian Engineers not Employable?

While tens of thousands of students choose to engineer, it is no easy field of study. Not everyone can pass the prerequisite exams and enrol in a specialisation. Deciphering the college admissions code is significant in and of itself.

In addition, one of the primary reasons to enrol is to utilise the acquired knowledge and secure one’s future after graduation. According to the above statistics, this does not appear to be the case. There are numerous causes for this.

  • Demand Supply Disparity

Indian pedagogy is based on ideologies of memorisation and rote learning, as opposed to a comprehensive understanding of concepts. Students are not encouraged to investigate and apply topics in the real world. The content delivery format harms the workplace without an evaluation of comprehension.

Employers hiring even the most deserving students are frequently and immediately dissatisfied. They look for critical thinking and a solution-oriented approach but find nothing close. This mismatch between industry demands and the educational system is causing many engineering graduates to be unemployed.

  • Curriculum

The curriculum of the engineering degree is the backbone of the final product produced by institutes, and our spine is fragile. India is now one of the leading producers of engineers who cannot find employment. 

Simply put, the curricula are obsolete. They adhere to the methodology required in the past. To produce engineers for the future, we must foster a deeper understanding of the industry, which can be organised in various ways.

For instance, they invite business professionals to give guest lectures, host workshops on industry best practices, collaborate with companies to offer internships, etc. These methods will provide students with hands-on experience and the confidence to pursue their dream jobs confidently.

  •  An Absence of Practicality

Graduates will face numerous challenges that test their knowledge, abilities, and approach as engineers. While institutes attempt to describe the problems encountered in the past, they fail to analyse and anticipate future issues. This is the type of preparation they require.

With technology constantly advancing, the nature of problems will inevitably alter. Students must be adequately prepared for this. Planning and foresight will set them apart immediately. Indian engineers are unemployable due to their glaring lack of practicality and antiquated approach.

  •  Language Barrier

This may not seem significant, but it is one of the most critical hiring considerations. Employers seek graduates who can speak English fluently with international clients. It is essential to communicate clearly with them to comprehend their issues and provide an effective solution.

The inability of many engineers from rural areas to communicate in English is one of the primary reasons they cannot obtain employment. At their peril, students fail to develop their language and communication skills along the path of rote learning. English is the international business language, and its proficiency must be improved.


The only solution is to address these issues and alter our national methodology. Engineers in India face an uncertain future if this does not serve as a wake-up call to our educationists.One can increase their employment probability by learning various skills. Check out CAE courses for mechanical engineering to skill up!

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