
6 Ways to Better Afford Dinner This Year

Afford Dinner

With many families cutting back expenses this year, saving money at mealtime is a fantastic way to reduce overhead. When you’re looking for ideas to make family dining more affordable, here are six tips to get you started.

Delivery Can Be Cheaper Than Cooking

You’re not alone if you’ve been experiencing sticker shock at the grocery store. Even relatively inexpensive items like grains and everyday veggies have gotten pricier, and once-affordable cuts of meat are becoming costlier.

Spend a few minutes reviewing a recent shopping receipt to calculate the cost of cooking a family meal, and then compare that to the price of ordering a variety of takeout meals. You might be surprised that the latter is often more economical.

Family Meal Deals for the Win

Even when you have a lot of mouths to feed, ordering out can be less expensive than buying the ingredients you need to prepare enough for everyone. When you apply coupons or discount codes to delivery purchases or take advantage of family meal deals, your cost-per-person shrinks significantly and results in a win for your budget.

Earning Free Pizza

If you’ve wondered how to get free pizza or enjoy other money-saving perks when you order meals, it’s as easy as joining your favorite restaurant’s loyalty program. With the best rewards plans, every dollar you spend is banked toward future purchases. When you’re stretching your dinner budget, nothing’s more affordable than free!

Count Heads Before Cooking or Ordering

Whether you’re making a meal from scratch or placing a take-out or delivery order, there’s no sense in having too much food on hand. Before you head to the store or hop online to place an order, check in with each member of your household to see if they’ll be around for dinner. That way you won’t end up overpaying for food that ends up getting tossed.

Plan for More Than One Meal

Whether you’re filling a grocery cart or an online order, you can stretch your budget by covering more than a single meal with your purchase. For instance, larger packages of meat often cost less per pound than smaller ones, so you can cook multiple entrees with a single purchase. When ordering, watch for mix and match pizza deals to combine pizzas, wings, starters, lunch items, and even desserts that take care of meal-planning for a couple of days at a time.

Eat With the TV Off

Last but not least, turning off the television and sitting down to an unplugged family meal actually saves money! Whether it’s because people tend to eat less when conversing or your kids are just in a hurry to get back to their devices, this unique tip may help you save money on your meals.

Now that you’ve got some ideas, it’s time to start saving. Before planning your next dinner, visit the website or app of your favorite pizza place and check out their available discounts and deals. It’s an easy way to enjoy a great family meal while economizing!

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