
3 Ways To Maintain Connections With Clients

Maintain Connections With Clients

If you run a business, you know how important it is to maintain contact with your customer base. Depending on what type of company you run, you might have customers with unique or particular needs. regardless of what they are, make sure you stay in touch with them on a regular basis. Doing so can reassure your customers that you care.

Here are a few suggestions for maintaining a connection. 

1. Keep in Touch Via Email

Try to keep in touch with your clients on a regular basis, and follow up with them as you anticipate their needs. One way you can stay in contact is by collecting their information and entering it into a CRM system. This allows you to add notes and ensure and address anything you believe might be helpful to the client. This can also be used as a more personalized approach, which can further help your relationship grow and even open up the door to additional business. 

2. Follow-Up With Phone Calls When Necessary

Although we live in a digital age where many people prefer emails to phone calls, it can still be beneficial to reach out and touch base with clients via phone every so often. You could try scheduling time to do this with your clients, or you could contact them as you have free time, leaving a message inviting them to call you back if you cannot reach anyone. If you don’t already have caller ID, check out what is VoIP on caller ID and see how it can help your business. 

3. Plan Something Unique for Special Clients 

You might have special clients to who you’d like to send flowers, a  gift basket, or something else to show your appreciation for their business. You can do this around a holiday, or as a thank-you after recently doing business. There are plenty of gift baskets for customers to help you pick something appropriate for your relationship or the occasion, depending on what you are celebrating with your client. 

No matter what type of company you have or how you connect with your clients, you are sure to find a way that will work best for both of you with these suggestions. You can even create a progression that starts with email contact, working your way up to phone calls and even in-person meetings, as you work to improve your relationships with one another. 

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